77. -Art-

543 21 6


So...did that really just happen? Or is this a very lucid feeling fever dream?

I look down at the ring once again. This is definitely worth millions. It has the weight of millions... it's heavy.

Don't get me wrong I'm beyond happy, it just feels unreal. I had prepared myself for a new car with a giant red bow...not this.

I feel it then, his eyes on me.

I wait a whole minute to meet his gaze thinking he might just stop staring. My bad, he never stops.

I look up and our eyes instantly catch. In turn I blush all the way down to my toes at the truly sinful look in his eye. In the words of Steel, We are in front of people. My body breaks out in goosebumps as I try not to fall into his gaze. I shake my head. What's wrong with me? I'm so used to his unblinking stares and watching me sleep and his other numerous stalkery weirdo behaviors. Why am I acting brand new?

He never looked at you that way as your fiancé.

I answer my own question. Fiat is your fiancé now. He will never be your boyfriend again. He will be your husband.

He always owned me but he is moving to legally own me and that is ...legit.

The courts will recognize him owning me.
The thought instantly turns me on.

I break the stare and look around the dinner table. My family eats and chats happily.

I smile to myself as I recall all their words. It's not like I didn't know but I ache at how undeserving I am.

I place my hand on my black box that sits beside me on the table. Gear brought it, he really is a great friend.

I saw a drama this year about lovers who tragically died young. Their family tied a red string to both their wrist so they would find each other in the next life.

It touched me before I knew it I was having a ball of yarn blessed.

I didn't tell anyone but Gear. I thought he would think it was stupid but he didn't. He jumped into my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck. He forced our faces together so our dimples touched.

"You want to be with me forever do you?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I want everyone I love to always find me." I said simply.

"Ugh, I'll never be rid of you." He said laughing.

I ache from how much I love this group of weirdos. They are my weirdos. I cut a string for them all and placed to to their wrist so when this life ends we will all find each other...I hope.

Baby Fiat whimpers and I snap my neck to look at him. Definitely a pre tantrum whimper.

Mint is trying to calm him while trying to eat at the same time.


She looks up at me.

"I'll hold him. You finish your dinner." I tell her as I stand from my seat already reaching for him.

"Baby duty at your own engagement party?."

"I want to, I miss him." I tell her as I'm already lifting him.

I pick him up and turn away before she can thank me ten more times.

The moment I start walking with him around the rose scented garden he immediately stops fussing.

It isn't too hard to figure out why he is fussy he is completely over dressed.

I roll my eyes inwardly, no one did this but Gear.

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