62. -Fiat & Art-

405 21 0


My head is fuzzy. I never fucking knew how insanely more intense cuming from back there is.

My whole body tingles and goes limp. Im exhausted from the tension I didn't realize I was holding until I came.

"Good?" He asks me.

But I can't speak. "Hmm." Is all I got.

My eyes feel so heavy as I seem to be melting into the bed.

I feel him still moving inside and I groan.


"Yes babe?"

"Did you cum?"

"Nope. Good thing you got me off earlier today I can do this all night."


"Yes babe?"

"Pull... the fuck.. out of me."

He laughs, "Why?"

"I need a break. Cease and desist. Abort. Exit me like right the fuck now.

He chuckles, "I forgot you're not used to this."

"You didn't use lube you barbarian."

He laughs as he pulls out. "Did it hurt a lot?"

"You'll find out. I will be returning the favor."

He slaps me hard against my ass. "If you practice you'll get more buoyant like me. I can take a brutal pounding."  He says as he lays against me.

His weight feels amazing on top of me. My skin warms from the satisfaction.

"I'm kind enough to use lube." I reply.

"I'll use a little oil next time but you need the friction." He says as he nudges his nose against the back of my neck and inhales.

I think about what he said earlier and chuckle to myself.

"What?" He asks.

"You, when I told you that you were killing me. Let it happen? You'll revive me?" I say laughing aloud.

He laughs against my neck.

"How would you?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe with my dick." He laughs harder.

"You're an asshole."

"Forgive me babe I went a little dark earlier. I'm sorry I slapped you."

"Don't be I fucking loved it. You definitely went rouge. You never scared me before."

"You liked it?"

"Too much."

"If you ever fucking leave me with a guy who so obviously is gonna try to fuck me I'll kill you with my dick."

"You noticed?"

"At the very last second. The moment I did I immediately was pissed at you. Why didn't you say anything if you knew?"

"I hinted. But you said it was impossible cause he doesn't know you."

"He doesn't. How do you like someone you don't know?"

"It's not really like, it's lust."

"Why would he lust after me?"

"You wouldn't ask that if you had an accurate account of what you look like. You are dangerously erotic."

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now