69. -Fiat-

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- I'm being kissed as my alarm goes off incessantly.

I open my eyes and Art is kissing me awake.
Strange he hardly ever gets up before me.

His arms are on either side of my head and he kisses me deeply. He breaks the kiss and trails kisses across my face and against my ear.

"If you don't wake up, I'll stick my dick inside. Your alarm is fucking annoying." He says as he licks my earlobe.

"You're starting early." I use his own words against him.

"Im hard. I woke up inside you. Get up so I can fuck you in the shower."

"Who are you again?"

"Meet me in the showers and I'll write my name inside you. I promise you won't forget who the fuck I am." He says biting my earlobe.

My body flushes and already I'm aroused. "Fuck that's hot. Why are you being so devilish?"

"Let me fuck you before someone knocks on our door." He says as he takes my hand and places it against his erection.

He bites into my neck and I groan. "I'm so fucking hard, don't you pity me Fiat?"

"I don't recognize you."

"Bend over for me in the shower and I'll introduce myself." He says as he kisses a trail against my neck.

All of sudden he stands straight up onto the bed to look down at me. My eyes fall to his massive erection.
"Don't dawdle or I'll make you pay." He warns as he turns, steps off the bed and disappears into the bathroom.

Again, What the fuck Art?!?

-I sit at my desk and watch him as he lounges on my couch.

I ache all over. He didn't take it easy on me last night. And this morning I did dawdle purely out of confusion and he did make me pay in the shower. My neck is bruised as fuck and my collar just barely hides it. Plus he left a rather vicious imprint of his teeth around my nipple that throbs. And Scratches across my chest that look like maybe I mated with a werewolf.

I don't know who that dude is but it hurts my pride none to admit I'll bottom for him literally every fucking day.

Who the hell am I proposing to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The truth is I don't give a fuck if he has undiagnosed multiple personality disorder. I'll marry him in an asylum if it comes to it. I'm just at a loss with logic currently.

He is different I can tell it's almost as if he switches between two people. I'm kinda worried.

"Art, are you sane?" I ask him directly.

He doesn't even look up from his computer. "Is anyone actually sane? It doesn't matter as long as you're productive. I'm productive."

"Is that what you call a sane response?"

"I thought you wanted honesty not sanity. Are you sane Mr. Stalker/ Kidnapper?"


I'm flabbergasted to be honest but I also near constantly want his dick in my mouth.

"Can you pick up popsicles on your way home?" I ask him.

"If you want me to shove my dick in your mouth just tell me darling." He says and I nod my head slowly as I peer at my open door.

No one is near my door thankfully.

Hmm. The truth is I'm on edge and my oral fixation always gets worse when I feel this way. I hate to admit it but yes Artist I want you to fuck my mouth...right after I finish sending these emails. I think as I turn back to my computer.

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