67. -Fiat-

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"What took you guys so long?" Jay asks as Art and I enter the living room and I glare razor blades at him.


Gear holds baby Fiat in his arms while shaking a silver rattle in front of his face.

Art takes a seat at the edge of the couch and watches them.

"You bought him another gift?" Art asks with a smile.

"I couldn't help myself." Gear says as he lifts him and gently smells his head.

"Baby, I want one, let's make one." He whines.

"I'm game." Jay says simply.

I smile inwardly. I'll be sure to barge in and stop you guys having sex literally every single day.

"What's wrong with Senior?" Gear asks and Art turns to look at me as I take a seat beside him.

Art runs his hand through my hair.
"He is just a bit tired. He will be alright after some sleep." He says with a smile.

"Are you guys staying for dinner?" I ask.

"Can we? I bought wine." Gear says.

"Oh course. I love wine." Art quickly answers.

Yup sounds about right.

Gear and Art smoosh their cheeks together and hug tightly while drunk off their fucking asses.

Jay and my eyes meet before both of us take another sip.

"I love my best friend so much." Gear says.

"I love my best friend so much more. You were right about not using lube." Art says and I nearly choke on my wine.

"I'm always right Artbug. I told you you're the strongest top ever."

"Enough! Enough! Time for bed." I say as I place my glass on the table and grab ahold of Arts arm.

"No! I want to stay with my best friend." Art whines.

Gear reaches for Art dramatically, " I'll never leave you Artie!"

I'm almost at the steps dragging Art behind me when Gear runs out of the living room and jumps into Arts arms.

"What the fuck?" I say aloud while they both drunk cry.

Jay walks in shaking his head. "I'm too drunk for this or to fucking drive."

"Sleep in the spare. Take your sack of potatoes and go."

Jay rolls his eyes and walks over to the chaotic scene of drunken crybabies.

He looks at me for a moment before bending down and taking hold of Gears waist and lifting him.
"Give me that!" He snaps as he yanks Gear out of Arts grasp. Jay heads towards the hallway with Gear tucked backwards beneath his arm.

Gear reaches for Art and Art moves to grab him but I take hold of the back of his collar.
"Time for bed drunkard."

"Gear, I love you! Sweet dreams." Art yells.

"I love you too! Sweet dreams best friend." Gear calls somewhere from done the hall. I roll my eyes and pray that didn't wake the baby.

Art slowly turns and peers up at me.
"Take me to bed Mr. CEO." He says slurring.

"You're drunk off your ass."

"Yeah, but drunk sex is the best sex. Ruin me please Mister."

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