20. -Art-

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-Day 3-

The moment I roll over and cuddle against him a sense tells me something is wrong.

I open my eyes to look at him.

His eyes are open and he stares up at the ceiling.


He blinks slowly but doesn't reply.

I swiftly sit up to look at his face.

When he doesn't meet my gaze I reach over and pull his face.

"What is it baby?"

"Everything feels so far away." He mutters.

"It isn't. You might feel like that for a few days while your levels even out."

"Am I disappearing?" He asks me.

"No baby. I would never let you disappear."

Oh no.

I get up and head to the bathroom to run him a bath.

I straddle him in the tub as I bathe him and wash his hair.

His eyes seem to glaze over.

I rinse the conditioner as my eyes can't help but dart back and forth.

What are you thinking about hun?" I ask finally.

"I think I'm a ghost." He mutters.

"No, you aren't. I can see you. I can feel you. You are very much alive."

I remind him.

I bathe him, dry him, and blow his hair dry. He stares at the ground, he says nothing.

I leave for a moment to retrieve his pills. I return with his tablets, a water glass, and a banana.

"Open your mouth babe."

He obeys again. I place them on his tongue and bring the straw to his lips.

After, I peel his banana, "Eat some."

"I'm not hungry."

"I know but just a few bites. I don't want your stomach to turn sour."

Without argument he opens his mouth for me. I am satisfied when he eats half.

I eat the other half as I head to the kitchen to throw away the peel. When I return he hasn't moved an inch.

I gently brush my knuckles against his face.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"I'm ok. It's just hard to feel."

"It will seem that way for a couple of days until your serotonin and dopamine levels return to normal."

I lean in close to him as I lift his chin to meet my gaze.

I kiss him gently before leaning away to look deeply into his eyes.

"I'm right here my love. You are not alone."

"I can't feel anything. Am I dead?

"No baby you're not."

"I don't like it." He mutters.

"Can I do something to help?"

His eyes focus for the first time his pupils seem to really see me.

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