57. -Fiat & Clover-

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My mother appears in my doorway and I groan inwardly. I immediately feel guilty, but the truth is I rarely don't feel this way when I see my mother. What a sad thought.

She steps inside as her eyes search to find him.

He is so focused on his laptop he doesn't notice. I don't know how her glare is violent always has been. It gave me chills as a child.

Then again it makes perfect sense he doesn't notice. Art never notices when he is being started at. The whole building stares at him and he hasn't even noticed.

I'm kind of glad for his density in this regard only today.

Why hadn't I predicted that people would stare? The truth is I could hardly blame them.

The building is vastly monotone and filled with bodies dressed in ordinary grays and beiges when suddenly he appears.
When we entered the lobby the crowd of bodies literally parted to let him pass. He is an apparition in crimson.  How didn't he notice how quiet it got? The only sound was his heels tapping against the marble floor.

"Art?" My mother calls and he looks up from his task.

"Oh. Good morning Ma'am." He says.

"Yeah. Please leave I have to speak with my son."

Art stands and places his laptop on the couch.

My mother steps out of the way to let him pass and closes the door behind him.

She walks to the front of my desk and stares for a minute.

"What is it Mother?" I ask finally.

"I'm tired of repeating myself. I don't understand why the hell he is here everyday but you insist that he can't leave your side and I resigned to that. However, why does he dress that way? It's as if you want people to know you are carrying on with a gay mistress."

"He is not a mistress and you get that. At no point has he ever been a mistress. He has always been the love of my life and I don't want him to feel hidden. It's cruel and he doesn't deserve it."

"You don't think people are starting to talk?. He follows you around all day and doesn't have a job title."

"Then help give him one. I been racking my brain but I don't know which. If I give him an actual job he won't be able to stay by my side. I think to give him Lings job but I don't know how to maneuver that cleanly."

"Help you? Maneuver your mistress cleanly?"

"Again mother don't call him that."

"Why? If you are discovered that's what the world will call him."

I force myself to take a breath and collect my thoughts. I'm so fucking sick of this.

"Mother, I am not marrying Mint." I admit and her eyes go wide.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Mint and I have decided not to marry."


"It's a lie and it's unnecessary. People have children out of wedlock all the time. It serves no purpose to take the ruse any further."

"You can't do this Fiat."

"Exactly, I can't do it. But we will co parent our child as a family."

"You can't, your father's wishes."

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