26. -Fiat-

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"Why aren't you talking to me?" He yells from the tub.

"Why are you taking a bath with the door open?"

"It's lonely in here without you. Besides if you aren't going to get in you should keep me company."

Art will do anything and everything to get under my skin.


"Yes Artist?"

"I missed you too much. I never knew I could feel so dead."

My heart melts.

"I couldn't sleep for what seemed like forever. I didn't realize just how much the way you smell and the feel of you against me became my comfort. I felt so lost without you." I tell him.

"Let's never be apart ever again. I realized today that if your not in my line of sight I get anxious."


"Yes. Even when you are just in the bathroom. When you went for a run I was uncomfortable the entire time."

I take a breath and get out of bed.

The moment I enter the bathroom he peers up at me and smiles.

It's heart melting.
I walk over to the tub edge and kneel to face him.

We just stare back at each other.

"In London, taking a bath made me so sad I needed a glass of wine. Or two or three. But I still took them. I would stay in until the water was ice cold and cry. No matter how painful I still took them imagining you were with me. People use the term soulmate loosely but I know I have mine. Without you I was empty, it was as if my soul left me."

My chest tightens at how beautiful he is. He lays his head against his knees and gazes at me.

"I need a towel." He mutters.

"Is the water getting cold?"

He nods.

I quickly stand to retrieve one. As I turn to face him he stands and puts his arms up for me to wrap him.

I arch my eyebrow as I lift the towel and drape it from his head.

"You got this Artist."

He pulls it down exposing his face and pouts at me.

"You really like to kick a man when he's down."

I laugh, why is he so cute?

I get the urge to lift him and take him to bed.

Better not, I think as I flee once again.

He smiles sweetly as he crawls into bed next to me.

A moment later he shuffles over to bury his nose in my neck.

"Hmmm, mine." He moans.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now