Everything at once💔💕

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The club were sitting around in the classroom, waiting for Jake, again. Everyone else seemed to be fine with this, Zander was not. He was standing by the door, arms crossed, his hip cocked to the side as he tapped his foot.

Everyone else was just sitting about, how unserious, don't any of them see a problem with him constantly showing up, up to 15 minutes late!? Everyday!?

He saw the club room door open and he perked up, it was jake.

"Jake! Finally! Why are you late again!?"

"Heyyyy Zanderrrr-! My bad! I'll try again next time!"

Zander just shook his head and sighed. "You've said that every other time.. just- Try to make it on time. You can't keep showing up late like this, it's setting us all back."

Just then Milly piped up.

"Aweee Cmon Zander! It's not a big deal!"

"Not a big deal?" Zander repeated, a questioning look on his face.

"I agree with Milly, we could always just practice at our house to catch up!" Hailey suggested.

"But we wouldn't have to catch up, if he showed up on time?"

"Sweetheart, it's honestly not a big deal, we'll catch up sooner or later!"

"Exactly man! Jakes fineee, besides, we get more time to talk!" Sean added.

"Really!? Do none of you see an issue with this!? We can't keep arranging practice to be at mine and Haileys! What's the point of us reserving this room if we don't use it! Would it kill him to hurry up and get here on time!? Where does he have to be!? He's in SCHOOL he doesn't have like several business clients, does he!?"

Zander wasn't yelling or raising his voice, he was just emphasising each sentence to the to make the club understand atleast a little where he was coming from.

"Don't be so dramatic Zander." Hailey folded her arms with a smile.

Milly added on "That'll be hard for him! He's Mr grumps!😄"

And so the joke went on and on, essentially just calling Zander unreasonable and overdramatic.

He had attempted to defend himself, but almost immediately stopped as he couldn't help but notice, Luke was smiling. He was finding this funny. Did nobody take him seriously!? He caught a glimpse of Jake behind the rest of the club, atleast he looked like he felt guilty.

"Oh my actual- Can you guys just shut up!? For gods sake! Whenever I say ANYTHING to do with how I'm feeling, all of a sudden it's dumbed down to be 'just my personality' or just me being overdramatic ! You guys do this all the damn time! Every time I express concern, I'm over dramatic! Then everyone's shocked later on when they realise I was right! I'm not being overdramatic or over emotional, I'm being rational! It's like being a rocket scientist in a room of chimpanzees with brain damage!"

"Damnnnn Zandyyy! Did you not get your beauty rest?" Milly laughed, and almost everyone laughed with her, Jake, confused as he looked at everyone.

Zander felt his cheeks begin to flush, with irritation. He balled his fists before starting up again.

"Are you kidding me!? Are you actually joking!? I've just expressed to ALL of you how I feel about you all calling me dramatic, and THIS was your response!? Are you dense!? Are you fucking stupid!? Do you need help!? Do you understand English!? Can you understand me!? I'm done with nobody taking me seriously! Do any of you know how absolutely crushing it is to come in everyday and have no one on your side!? Not even my own boyfriend understands me! I thought you were supposed to defend me!? You've told me so many times that my emotions are justified, and here you are, letting these guys mock me!? Make up your damn mind! How are you guys going to claim to be the most welcoming community in the school, if you can't even support literally the second existing member!? Oh yeah! Speaking of which, am I not the Vice President!? Why do I never have a say in shit! I didn't want Jake here, of course, I'm fine with him now , but still! Back then! I insisted and insisted that I didn't want my bully in the club, and hailey you didn't even give me a second thought! You just let him join! You didn't discuss it, you didn't CONSIDER it, what's the point of even having me as a 'vice president', I don't do anything! Whenever I try to do stuff for the club, I'm not allowed, because I'm 'too much' god forbid I ask the librarian if we could use the school printers! That's 'too much' isn't it!? You're all delusional! I hate to admit it, but Jake's having more sense that anyone right now! I open up my heart, and decide to finally trust people again after years, and this is what I get!? People I can't even rely on!? You're all pathetic."

Zander huffed as he picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulders, walking out and slamming the door behind him.

"Is he in a bad mood or something-?" Milly asked, causing everyone to just blankly stare at her.

Zander didn't feel like continuing school that day, so he just left. He checked the time, lunch had finished 20 minutes ago.

He saw lots of missed texts from Luke.

Zander darling
Where r u
Class started 10 mins ago?
I just checked ur snap location, u went home?
R u still upset?
Why don't u get some sleep, you'll feel better after<3

R u kidding me? I went on a whole rant abt how I wish u would take me more seriously and ur telling me to just 'sleep on it'? I've been feeling this way since BEFORE Jake joined the club. I was just too scared to say anything bc I KNEW this would be the reaction. What's the point of me having a boyfriend? Just another person to hang around with? Some person to kiss? Frankly I could do that with a stranger, I'm supposed to have an EMOTIONAL bond with you, how can I do that if you refuse to accept that my feelings actually matter (shocking I know) 'R u still upset?' Yes I'm still upset tf? My sister, my boyfriend, and my friends completely ignored me when I told them everything. They always say 'Oh you can talk to us whatever! We won't judge!' But whenever I do talk, it's all judgement. Ily but you're being an absolute dick rn. If u want to ever talk to me again, then grow up. (Yes surprisingly this overdramatic take of mine, is so so overdramatic that I'm willing to put my relationship in jeopardy !!!! Is that too much?)

Luke just stared at the message. This was how Zander had been feeling? It wasn't just another one of his random outbursts? Oh god- And he was laughing at him-!  He read over the message, again and again, realising how upset Zander was. He was right, he was being a dick. He just sighed as he raised his hand.

Once the teacher let him out to 'go to the toilet' He just left. As he was walking along the street, he got another notification.

My boy<3
Srsly I am willing to end this relationship so if ur leaving me on read bc u don't think I'm genuine, then just to let u know ur wrong.

Luke just sighed as he typed a response back.

IK you're genuine, just walking to ur house rn

My boy<3

Luke turns off his phone as he continued walking.

Zander shot up, he was busy sulking in his bed until he got that message. He was coming here!? But why!? Maybe he wanted to break up with him first! ...though that isn't really a 'Luke thing to do'... as if on cue, Zander heard the front door unlock, Luke had spare keys. Then he heard someone coming up the stairs, he could identify the footsteps as Luke's.

He just sighed as he grabbed his pillow and sat up, staring at his bedroom door, and as he expected, Luke opened it.


"Hey.. Uh-.." Luke sighed as he walked over and sat next to him. "Look- im really, really sorry-! I don't even know why I didn't take you seriously- I guess everyone else was doing it so I kind of just thought you were fine-!"

"But I was telling you, verbally expressing to you, that I wasn't fine?"

"I know you were.. and I'm sorry, I don't have an excuse for not listening to that. But I am, really, really sorry. I'll listen to you more in the future... just please don't be mad at me...?"

Zander just sighed as he rolled his eyes and hugged Luke, kissing his cheek before resting his head on his shoulder.

"I really, really hate you, you know that?"

Luke just smiled as he put a hand on his back.

"But I'm your boyfriend?"

"I hate you in an affectionate way."

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