Found 💕 PT 2🗣🗣🗣

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Zander woke up, his body confused as he had been used to waking up with his back against a cold basement wall every morning, though quickly he recalled the events of last night. He was home. He shot up in the bed and looked around, Luke wasn't there. He almost immediately noticed that Luke must've changed him last night, he was in a new pair of shorts and one of Luke's hoodies. He also had to guess that he was bathed, he felt a lot cleaner and his hair felt lighter. He just sighed as he looked at his nails, he wa happy to be home, but was Luke stupid? Why did he leave him alone?😒 One could argue that if you get your fiancé back after 2 years you're supposed to stay in bed with them until they wake up.. Whatever. He rolled out of bed and tried to walk but immediately tripped as he couldn't bend his knees due to how tight Luke had wrapped the bandages.

"What a fucking dick." He muttered as he managed to stand himself back up and used the wall as a crutch, he couldn't imagine how dumb he looked.

Finally, he made it to the kitchen where Luke was humming a tune to himself whilst cooking, Zander waddled over and hugged him from behind.

"Huh- Oh-! Good morning! Did you rest well? You were absolutely exhausted last night.." Luke smiled as he turned the heat of the stove down so he could turn around to hug him back, he missed this.

"I rested well until I found out my own fiancé would rather cook than be asleep with me."

"..You cannot possibly be petty about that?"

"Because I just love being held captive for 2 whole ass years by an old man I have never seen before in my life and then coming home to only receive the bare minimum of attention😒"

Luke just rolled his eyes.

"Well, your fiancé, is making you bruschetta for breakfast, and that's shocking, because he is a vegan, and vegans do not like cheese."

"😞 Couldn't you of made it laterr...? I fell on my face.."

Luke raised his eyebrow and grinned at him.

"Well now I wish I stayed."

"I should've found some hot celebrity actor instead of you."

"I would never replace you🥰"

"That's because you show no signs of having any decent amount of self respect, it's a wonder you're still with me"

"I know right!? Now shut up and sit your ass down."

"I would love too, but I can't walk, or move my knees, I don't want to sit at my chair like a Lego man."

"..Then sit on the couch.. the recliner...?"

"Oh!...carry me."

Luke just kissed his head as threw him over his shoulder (very effective) and brought him into the living room<3 he sat him down on the couch next to a very much sleeping bow.

"He missed you, give him some love."

"I intended to? What kind of dad do you take me for?"

"A very, very, irresponsible one."

"That just means I'm fun!"

"To nobody except bow.."

"Well clearly I'm great fun to have if someone went out their way to steal me for two years 😒"

"Right Right- speaking of- You have to tell the police where you were held-"

"..I don't remember-"

"What do you mean you don't remember-?"

"Yknow, when I'm running for my life with an old man with a knife behind me, I don't really think to look behind me to see what house I was held in. Or street, I'm just thinking about getting the fuck outta there."

"...Makes sense-"

"I'm gonna need more therapy than I did before. And that's saying something."

"Well-! We have the money for that-!"

"Mhm- Another therapist to traumatise? Funsies!"

"Never say 'funsies' again."

"Why! Saying it is funsies"

Luke just rolled his eyes as he walked back into the kitchen.

When he came back out with the bruschetta but stopped and smiled as he saw Bow excitedly jumping up and down on Zanders lap, his tail wagging as Zander was ruffling his fur and speaking to him with a dumb baby voice.

"Darling- Foods ready!"

"..Can you set it aside..? I'm tryna talk to my baby!!"

Luke just smiled and shook his head as he put the plate on the side table and ruffled his hair<3

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