Confession!💔💕 (but make it so much more dramatic)

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Love my boys, BUT WHERE IS RHW DRAMA!? I'm here, I'm queer, I'm your drama engineer (I giggled writing that💀 ITS SO FUCKING DUMB AND CRINGE THAT IT MAFR ME LAUGH😭)

Luke was running, when had Zander EVER been this fast!? Usually he was slow and easy to catch up to- But now not even Luke can catch up-! Even though Luke was worried for their relationship, he was even more worried of Zanders asthma kicking in- What a timing that would be..- He kept calling out for him to stop, his own legs were getting tired, and he felt like throwing up from how much energy this took, but Zander still didn't seem to falter. Luke has to guess it's an adrenaline rush.

Luke was cursing to himself inbetween his calls for Zander to stop, Zander had saw that girl Stanley-...Sophie..? What was her name again-? Whatever- It doesn't matter, Zander saw him kissing that girl, at first he was confused why Zander ran away, but then he saw an envelope Zander had dropped on the floor. Closed off with a heart sticker. Zander had been planning to confess, to HIM.

Luke had to stop running, he was actually about to pass out. He just put his hands on his knees as he caught his breath and watched Zander run off. Luke just sighed. He'll have to try later.


He whipped his head around, and what do you know? The whole club there, out of breath.

"Where's Zander!?" Milly asked, looking around.

"..He outran me- I couldn't even catch up-"


"Trust me.. I don't know where this speed and stamina is coming from- I think he was trying to confess to me-..I'll have to talk to him later." He sighed as he shook his head.

"What even happened..? Why was he crying..?" Hailey asked, concerned.

"I-..Some girl confessed to me.. and you know- I was taken a bit by shock and before I could even get a word in she kissed me- And Zander saw- then he dropped some envelope and ran away crying so-..Yeah-"

"Hold on Man- Some Girl, kissed you, without consent?"

"Yeah no pretty much-...I forgot her name-"

"Stacy right? The one that asked you to help with the books?"

"Yes! Her!"

"Fucking-" Hailey just sighed. "Well atleast now you know he likes you- So now you guys can finally stop with the procrastinating!"

"We're not procrastinating!"

"Yeah ok shut up. I expect y'all to be a cutesy couple by in the morning, Adios!" Hailey giggled as she walked away, the club following her.

Luke just sighed and rolled his eyes as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out Zanders letter and opened it.

Luke just sighed and rolled his eyes as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out Zanders letter and opened it

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(If u can't read that then here u go:)

To Luke<3
So if you're reading this then I was too much of a pussy to tell you in person:) so ok long story short, I am criminally inlove with you. Pls don't hate me. So uhm, if you don't like me back don't be mean about it, I'm too emotional to deal with that xoxo, if you do like me back then it's up to you to come find me bc I sure as hell am running for my life as soon as this gets handed to you. Omg im so scared wtf. Also side note, do u think my hair looked weird today? I need opinions on that, I ran out of dry shampoo:( anyways, woah ur bestfriend is crushing in you, flabbergasting. Love u

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