Prom night<3💔💕

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OKOK so! Small lil thing before we start<3 THIS IS IMPORTWNT TO THE PLOT

So Zander has a bf. WHO ain't Luke. That's it. Luke's crushing on him, wowzers. DW THIS AINT A RELATIONSHIP ANGST I PROMISE

Finally, after years and years of waiting and anticipation, the night was finally here. Prom night. However, it wasn't how Luke wanted to be. Not at all. His childhood bestfriend, and childhood crush, was attending prom with someone else. Someone who wasn't him. No matter how upset he was, he couldn't and wouldn't do anything about it. He just sighed and decided he'd go talk to Zander, it may have been a terrible idea, but he didn't have much to do.

After a good ten minutes of searching the venue he couldn't find Zander at all. Eventually he decided to just find the music club, perhaps they'd know where he was?

When he approached, Hailey seemed to be angrily ranting about something.

"I still can't believe he-" She was cut off.

"Hey guys! Ah- I was just wondering if perhaps... you'd know where Zander is..?"

Millie looked at him and sighed. "I don't think.. Nows a good time to talk to him-"

"Ah- Oh- Why?"

"Well uh- His boyfriend? Noah? Fucking prick." Sean said through his teeth.

"Oh- How? What happened?"

"Well for one, he was running late to prom, we were waiting with Zander by the entrance for him, then he sent Zander a text along the lines of 'Hi Zander, sorry I'm late however I'm breaking up w/ you. Tbh I mainly just dated u to see if I was into guys and u were attractive so it wouldn't hurt my reputation if I used u to test, sorry bye' So yeah. Not only was he a no show, but he also sent him, the most fucking disrespectful break up text."

Should Luke be happy he has a chance again? No not really if we're completely honest. He's fucking livid.

"What!? Seriously!?"

"Mhm. And I swear on god, I'm showing up at his damn house tomorrow." Hailey added, still visibly pissed.

"I know you guys said I shouldn't talk to him- But uh- I think I might...? Where is he..?"

"Luke, genuinely. I don't think he'd want anyone talking to him."

"Ah, well if he doesn't, I'd leave..?"

"God- okay- He's on the steps at the back."

"Thanks Millie!" Luke walked away and pulled out his phone.


Kys🫶 Ur ugly asf deadass. Literally... Mf ur fingers giving me itsy bitsy spider vibes, ur lips so chapped fr how tf did he manage w/ kissing u in public💀 lips chipping apart by the second Fr. Boy where did half ur eyelashes go...😦 And where tf r ur eyebrows too...? MF deadass....? Ima be honest here. U look high 24/7💀💀 UR EYES LOOK MANIC 😭 Bye ur ears r like Bens from Ben and hollie. Pointy ass MF. Also, if find it hard to believe u brush those manky ass teeth. Me personally? I think you use soothers to get good breath👍

Noah is typing...

-You blocked this contact-


After Luke had a lil silly thoughts showdown, he shut his phone off and headed to find Zander.

Zander was sitting with his head in his knees and just staring at the pavement. He'd finished crying by now, but he didn't feel like going back in, besides, his mascara was smudged. He doesn't wear much makeup, but he likes wearing lip gloss and mascara, in his opinion it makes him look better. All of a sudden he heard movement next to him and slowly turned his head.

"Oh... hey.." He mumbled.

"Hey... How you doing...?"

"What do you think?"



Luke just sighed and put his arm round his shoulder.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a basic American guy."

"Having you comfort me here ISNT much better, basic polish guy." Yes, I still whole heartedly believe Luke is polish

Luke let out a small light hearted giggle.

"Mhm mhm, Basic polish guy, that's me, basic posh English guy."

"Hey! I'm not 'posh'!"

"Your music taste begs to differ"

"I- Whatever!"

Luke just shifted Zanders body slightly closer to his own and Zander just sat straight to rest his head on his shoulder.

"He was a prick anyways. I didn't like him." Luke added.

"I- you didn't-?"

"I thought I made it obvious but, no,  I didn't like him."

"And you didn't tell me this because...?"

"He was your boyfriend...?"

"Whatever, you meant more to me than he did. I wouldn't of gotten offended or anything."

"I- Hold on- I meant more to you-...?"

"Luke, are you fucking stupid? You've been my bestfriend, for twelve years. I've only known him for two."

"..Oh...- Do you... Wanna go back inside...?"

"Ah...- No point. I look like a mess."

"Zander... I have a stupid idea...."

"Do I.. even want to know...?"

"...Yes... I think you do..."

"..You're Right..."

And that's how Zander returned to the Venue, with pen outlining the shape of his mascara.

"This idea was so stupid...-"

"Really? I think it worked well!"

"I look like more of a mess than I did before-"

"...Well.. you're not... entirely wrong... But you look cool anyways!"

"Hah... You remind me of my mother trying to convince me I look good on school photo days-"

"Ah... Perhaps I am!"

Zander laughed lightly

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Zander laughed lightly. The rest of prom was good, Zander forgot about 'Noah'😑 for the night!! And Luke could freely crush on Zander again<3

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