Bday drama pt 2💕💕

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As Zander finally changed into his pjs, just one of Luke's hoodie and some underwear. He just sat on his bed. Just staring at nothing.

All alone, on his 18th birthday.

They didn't forget Haileys. They all went out for a nice dinner, club invited and all to a fancy restaurant.

But they couldn't even tell him 'happy birthday'.

It's not like it was a big deal, he wasn't a child.

But still, it hurt.

He looked across the room and saw sir meowington fast asleep in his coffin bed, for Halloween.

He just sighed as he hugged his blanket to his chest.

He changed his mind again.

He didn't want to sleep.

He turned on his laptop, put on some YouTube video and stared into space, completely zoning out, not paying attention to the video.

His thoughts began to consume him as his vision blurred with tears.

He tried to blink away his tears, but before he knew it, they were streaming down his face.

He harshly shut his laptop as he threw it to the other side of his bed as he buried his head into his knees.

All of a sudden there was a knock on his bedroom door.

Before he could even call out, the door opened.

What was even the point of knocking?

"Hi love.." Luke smiled softly as he whispered shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing here..? It's already 1AM, just go home.." Zander responded, annoyance evident his tone as he whispered back, as to not wake anyone else in the home.

"Happy birthday.."

"You're a whole 25 hours too late.. there's no point anymore, just go home."

Luke sighed as he did the opposite, walking over to sit on the edge of Zanders bed, right next to him.

"I'm really sorry.. I don't have an excuse- I just genuinely forgot.."

"Oh yeah no worries, you're not special."

"Oh..? Who else forgot..?"

"Mama, Michael, Hailey, ,Bethy, you, Jake, millie, Daisy, Sadie, essentially just anyone who isn't Sean." He muttered.

"..Shannon forgot-!?"

"Guess she did. Doesn't matter. It's stupid anyways, I'm too old for all this stupid celebration stuff."

Luke stayed quiet for a few awkward moments, before speaking up again.

"What of I take you on a date this Friday..? I doubt you'd want to on week days, but I promise you it'll be amazing..! I'll make up for lost time today..?" He offered.

Zander just looked at him for a second before lowering his head into his knees again.

Luke just responded by putting a hand on his back and rubbing it in soothing circles.

"..what time..?" Zander muttered.

"How about we leave at 5..?"

Zander just mumbled a 'whatever.'

Luke gave a slight smile as he kissed the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, Zander, I promise I'll make up for it."

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