The Jock And The Ballerina💕💛

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Fighting gender stereotypes sm in this

Zander was a great dancer. He was flexible and swift. He could do many types of dance, but he specialised in ballet. He enjoyed and relished on how graceful he felt doing it. It helped him clear his head. There would be times that he was stressed while doing homework, and to balance his stress he'd go outside to his large back garden with a small radio just to do some ballet, his family occasionally coming out to watch.

He had a dance club at school. It was fun, the people in his club we nice and they were all close.

However, they began to get bullied by the football team. They all began to ignore Zander and one by one left the dance club causing it to be taken down due to lack of members.

Zander also enjoyed paying Piano. He enjoyed doing graceful things that are mesmerising to the eyes and ears.

He ended up joining his step sisters club, the music club. However the football team, or how the school calls them: the jocks. Then decided to bully that club aswell. It went from 'Dance freaks' to 'Music freaks.' Purely because of some kind of sexist stereotype that men cannot do ballet. Bullshit. They can. And they can be fucking amazing.

Zander was incredibly pretty. He had fluffy, shiny and bouncy hair. His eyes were a gorgeous shade of purple, when he was happy they'd sparkle in the most unique yet fascinating way.


Luke too, Was a talented young man. He was the leader of the football team. He was lovely, a absolute gentleman, very kind to all of his peers and a team player. He unfortunately, was not aware of the toxicity people in his team were spreading and how that effected his reputation.

People in the school now solely believed he was a horrible bully, the one who lead all the rest. He wasn't, he wasn't even aware of what the school thought of him either.

He, speaking in stereotypes, was a boy who did 'boyish' activities or whatever the fuck they are. He enjoyed the drums, football, going to the gym however he was actually a huge softie despite all these so called 'manly' activities.

He often helped out at pet and homeless shelters on the weekends, he sometimes helped random elderly people who were struggling to carry their bags at the supermarket, he made sure to constantly spend time with his mother and show he was grateful, he was always willing to babysit, helped his classmates whenever and did everything he could to make someone feel comfortable.

It truly was a shame that people saw the worse in him because of who he hangs around with.


Luke was walking through the halls, heading to where he usually ate lunch but then he heard a... soft melody? It was... soothing. His shoulders for some reason relaxed just upon hearing it. It wasn't hard to find the source of music, it was coming from the dance studio. But why? The dance studio had been out of use for months? With curiosity he peaked through the door and felt the air get knocked out of him.

Is this what people meant by... love at first sight...? Luke was no idiot. He'd never been inlove before, but now that he was in it, he wasn't gonna deny it. He knew he was.

The boy he wa- A boy...? Is this Luke's... first sexuality crisis...?

The boy he was looking at, was small. His height smaller than Luke's own, he was quite slim, but appeared very quick and agile.

Luke slowly and quietly walked into the room, his face heating up with every step. The boy was so in touch with his dance that his eyes were closed due to how graceful the act was, he never noticed the jock enter.

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