Eating disorders (rewrite)💔💔

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Major major trigger warning

Eating disorders
Graphic depictions of vomiting

I'm only rewriting this as I feel I wrote the effects on a person wrong last time.

Zander heard his alarm go off, again, and again, and again. He couldn't will himself to get out of bed, his energy already drained.

His stomach was in so much pain, he was hungry, so so hungry. But he didn't feel like eating anything. Not yesterday, not today, and probably not tomorrow. He groaned as he sat up, his head was pounding.

Nontheless, he dragged himself out of bed as he stumbled to the bathroom to wash up.

He threw on a baggy hoodie, of course it was baggy, it was Luke's. He relished in the scent for a moment or two before picking up his bag and heading out.

He kept the cuffs of the sleeves over his hands, as the tips of his fingers had began to develop a blue discolouration, which if you looked at his hands for long enough, you'd be able to identify it.

As he walked through the streets, he kept seeing male and female students all walking to school. Almost all of them had the perfect body he so desperately strived for. It infuriated him, none of these people were probably even putting in effort. How would they be if they were in his shoes?

He shook off the thoughts, he always thought like that, he didn't know why, it was narcissistic and rude. He just sighed as he hung his head low and continued walking.

He went through the whole day, feeling worse and worse with every passing moment. Today felt different, he felt so much more fatigued than usual. He narrowed it down to not getting a wink of sleep due to the pains in his stomach.

He walked out of his English classroom, almost immediately being greeted by Luke, who seemed to be smiling waiting for him, until he saw him.

He frowned with concern as he walked over to him.

"Are you alright..? You look awfully tired-" Luke expressed as he gently put an arm around Zanders shoulder as they began walking.

"I'm alright, just didn't get much sleep" Zander reassured in a gentle voice as he leaned into Luke's touch.

"I thought your sleep was getting better..?"

"Just a small hiccup I'm sure, I'll go to bed earlier tonight." He lied. He knew he wouldn't.

He kept messing up the notes. It wasn't like him at all, his hands were shaking and he kept pressing the wrong keys. His mind was fuzzy.

Jake stopped singing again, more than likely because he couldn't concentrate on flow with Zanders repeated mishaps. When Jake stopped mid way through, the music died down once again, for the seventh time now, having not even being able to make it through to the chorus.

"Zander? Are you alright? You keep missing your notes..?" Hailey asked, concerned.

Zander just placed his hands firmly on the sides of his keyboard, leaning on it.

"..'M finee.. just tired.." he softly spoke.

"Are you sure you're okay man-? You're slurring your words..." Sean pointed out.

"I'll be fineee... just continue.."

"Are you sure- We could take five-?" Luke offered, setting his drumsticks down, but Zander was now just staring into the air.

"Zander? Luke's asking if you want to take five?" Millie asked, receiving nothing in return.

"Zander!" Jake tried to call.

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