Moving in, together...? 🌑💔💕🤍

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You love the angst dont you? Luckily for you, I do aswell

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You love the angst dont you? Luckily for you, I do aswell. JUST NO BREAKING UP OR LUKE OR ZANDER DYING, now I want to kill off hailey just for some angst, I'll push that thought aside! For now anyways

I'm just gonna make this a continuation of I need her, why the fuck not.
—-11th Grade—-

Zander had been more open, he was convinced to come out of his room. He was becoming happy again. The club would spend nights and nights on end just having all nighters together, and doing stupid shit.

Zander thought that the hard part was over, all he had left was acceptance. However, he didn't know, nobody knew, just how wrong he would turn out to be.

Michael was up, 6:30 in the morning. He'd been finding it hard to sleep without his beloved late wife. He missed her, more than anything, but as of right now, he's pretty much looking after seven kids, on his own, granted four of them would be leaving to go back to their own homes soon, but still. Realistically, Michael knew they could take care of themselves. But he didn't know what he'd do if he were to loose any one of them. Besides, taking care of them and bonding with them helped to clear his mind. He smiled thinking of the memories they were currently making, before tearing up slightly. His wife's son, his son. Had called him 'dad' for the first time the previous night. That was something Shannon would constantly blab on about to Michael, how she'd find it adorable if Zander broke the first name basis. It was a shame Shannon wasn't there to see it. Hell he really wanted her to be here. He frowned slightly. He wanted her here. But she wouldn't be here again. He'd have to accept it, he knew he would. For the kids, he had too. But he knew, he'd never accept it, he could never move on.

( his wives got a thing for dying or sum💀)

(I'm sorry Michael, truly.)

He was pulled from his thoughts when the kitchen lights turned on, he looked over at the door.

"Morning daddy.." Bethy yawned as she walked over to give him a small morning hug.

"Ah- Sweetheart, what're you doing up this early?"

He asked as he wrapped his arm around her and finished stirring his coffee.

"Hm? I dunno"

He just smiled.

"Would you like breakfast? Or wait for a while?"

"Can I have toast?"

"Bear shaped?"

"Yeah!!" She giggled and ran off to climb onto the dining room chair.

He just sighed and shook his head, smile remaining evident on his face. He took a sip of coffee as he began to make her breakfast.

As the morning progressed, everyone emerged from their sleeping chamb-...Haileys room.

Maybe, just maybe. Everything would be fine. He was looking at everyone, socialising. Sean, millie and Bethy were playing dolls. Luke, Zander, Hailey and Jake. They were playing Gen- Genshin..? God he sounds old, he could overhear all three of them yelling at Jake for being bad at the game. Everyone was fine.. he would be fine too..

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