I need her (REWRITE)💔🫀💕

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K let's all be honest, the OG was utter shite(Im author from the future, this one is also shite)So here we go yall<3 I keep reading back, and I love the concept but the writing is🤬

Michael didn't know what to do, at all. Right now he was sitting in the living room with his head in his hands pondering what to do. His wife, Shannon, had died. Yes, he was gonna keep and love his three children, that wasn't his issue. His issue was, how would he tell Zander? He knew and understood how much Shannon meant to Bethany and Hailey, however he had a suspicion that it would hit Zander much harder. He eventually just decided on pulling them out of school.

Zander and Hailey were just sitting in history, gossiping to each other while Luke awkwardly sat in the middle. Then all of a sudden the teachers phone rang. She was a nice teacher, didn't really have conversations about what students did outside of school, but she was nice. All of a sudden she looked shocked, then guilty as she sighed and put the phone down.

"Hailey, Zander, please grab your bags...- Your father is here to pick you up"

"Oh- Why-" Hailey asked.

"Ah- Ill tell you both outside-"

"Okay..? Bye Luke!" Zander said before swinging his bag over his shoulders and walking out, Hailey following.

"Bye! See you tomorrow! Love you!" Of course, they were speaking in normal speaking voices, so their classmates weren't hearing them, they don't care if their classmates know, which they do, but you know just had to clarify that they weren't screaming it across the class💀

"What's wrong Miss —" Hailey asked

She bit her lip and tugged them bottom of her skirt. "Um-... Your mother has um- Passed away-"

They both just stood there. Zander blinked a few times before muttering out, "Huh-"

God, she felt horrible, never in her years of teaching had she ever had to do this. Honestly she wanted to cry but knew it'd be out of place to.

"Um- Hold on- What on earth are you saying-" Hailey finally spoke.

"I'm sorry kids..- Please just- head to the office..." She said before entering the classroom once again.

"Do you think she's actually...-"

"Of course not Zander! So shhhhhh! You're a negative Nancy!" She grabbed his hand and walked them both to the office.

When they arrived of course, Michael was there. He just walked over to them.

"Daddd! Why did you tell the school mum died!?" Hailey questioned.

"She did Hailey- She had a seizure-"

That of course, made Zanders doubts and worries grow. Hailey began getting nervous.

"You're joking- Right!?"

Michael just sighed. "No I'm not Hailey.. why would I joke about my wife dying..."

Zander, had already heard enough. He just walked out the school in complete silence.

"Huh- Zander! Wait up!" Michael took Hailey by the shoulder and followed after him.

Zander just got in the car and pulled out his phone, immediately checking his mothers social media accounts, only to find out the last time she'd been active was that morning. Then he went to check his grandparents facebook, sure enough, they'd already posted about Shannon's death. Zander just stared at his screen as the car began to drive off. At some point, tears fell onto his phone.

As soon as they arrived home, Zander got out the car, unlocked the door with his keys and ran to his room, immediately locking the door.

Michael just sighed as he shut the car door. "Are you alright Hailey...?"

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