Moving intogether pt 2💕

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The morning after...

For the first time in years, they woke up next to eachother in each others gentle embrace. After years of being separated, they were finally together again. In most scenarios, the couple would've broken up with such circumstances, however both of them were hopeful and stuck through with the relationship. They're glad they did.

Luke was awake and holding Zander in his arms. Luke had to guess this was Zanders first good sleep in 2 years. After all, he used to sleep on that fucking stale ass mattress. Luke just smiled against his hair as he rubbed his back. He missed him, a lot. Even now that Alexander was back with him, he still missed him. It was a great feeling to have him back.

After a few hours, Luke had to guess it was around 3 hours, 1PM, Zander finally woke up.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Not as well as I did in the dream house, but I'll live" He smiled and rolled his eyes before hugging Luke tighter. "Jokes, I slept really well. How long have you been awake?"

"That's good! And I think around.. 4 Hours-?"

"I- You should've woken me up you moron!"

"'Lovesick' Moron, use your adjectives."

"One, that's not a good thing to admit to, two, Moron is literally and adjective."

"It's not, it's a describing word"


"OKOK- Oh! On the topic of.. fucking English. I hate English. Anyways! Do you still want to be an author?"

"I mean, I do, but I wouldn't be able to do it anyways"

"Oh- Why not?" He tilted his head.

"Homeschool English wasn't as beneficial as in school English."

"Okay now that's just stupid- You're still good at English, no? Besides, when you go to university or college you'll quickly pick up on things that you were yet to learn?"

"That's if I get into higher education"

"Alright shut up you negative nancy, you will get into higher education if you try."

"I swear on my cursed life, my mum has said that exact sentence to me word for word before-"

"It's in the Zander handbook." He joked, rolling his eyes.

"Handbook? What can I say, I'm high maintenance."

"Trust me, I know. Theres not actually a handbook."

"Well no shit Sherlock."

"I think I should make one.."

"Dont. On the topic of high maintenance, about that dog?"

"Dog-? Oh. The one in our terms and conditions?"

"That's the one!"

"Yeah yeah, I've been looking into it"

Zanders eyes lit up. "Actually?"

"Mhm, I was looking at this black and white cavapoo?" (Author has a black and white cavapoo)

"Mhm, I was looking at this black and white cavapoo?" (Author has a black and white cavapoo)

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"I love cavapoos! They're so cute!"

"I figured- you've always loved the small fluffy ones, haven't you?"

"..I like cradling them like babies..."

"..I know you do hun.. I know you do..-"


And here is Luke's daily reminder that he loves Zander far too fucking much. Right after their morning conversation about dogs, he felt this absolute necessity to get a dog, even though Zander had literally only moved in the day before. However, is it so wrong to want to spoil his boyfriend? (Said boyfriend was held captive for two fucking years) God he wanted to marry this man. Wait what- he blushed at the thought. Goodness he really had to let the poor man be- he only saw him again yesterday- One day though, one day.

And so, here he was. At the pet store, waiting for the cashier to return (they were just getting the dog and a few bits and bobs for it.) He picked up a few toys for the little guy aswell.

In the car, the dog was crying the way home, Luke had to guess the poor thing was missing the store and or was afraid of the car....and it also pissed itself in the carrier- greattt...

The puppy was 3 months old. It was adorable, even Luke had to admit. He knew Zander had been joking about the terms and conditions for him moving in, but Luke thought he might aswell carry on the joke, no?

He opened the door to the apartment and heard a keyboard playing. He shut the door behind him and smiled, the playing was a little sloppy and there were a few slip ups, but Luke knew within minutes Zander would get his flow back. He set the pet carrier on the floor and opened the door. The puppy stayed at the back, afraid.

"Ah- Cmon bud.. Don't worry, you'll be fine." He said softly, trying to get the puppy to come out, even if he didn't understand Luke.

Luke sat there for around seven minutes until the puppy finally stepped out. Luke's eyes lit up.

The puppy looked around warily and slowly walked over to Luke and sniffed his hand before looking up at him.

Luke gently pat his head, not wanting to scare him. It seemed to work really well, as the puppy's mood instantaneously changed to excitement, wagging his tail and jumping up and down. It caught Luke off guard but he smiled nonetheless. He stood up and walked over to the door of his and Zanders room, where Zander was playing his keyboard. He opened the door and just like that the puppy ran in and practically pounced onto Zanders lap, then started pawing at his shoulder.

Luke chuckled as he watched the scene unfold, Zander seemed to be frozen, but then he started shaking which made Luke start silently laughing. He did find it funny if he was honest, whenever Zander was overly happy he'd start shaking, it was both weird but kind of sweet.

Finally, Zander willed himself to move and he hugged the puppy then looked at Luke.

"He's so cute!" He giggled.

"He is, isn't he. Don't worry, we're not puppy sitting for someone- I'm just a lovesick bastard so I went out and bought him!...he peed in my car.."

Zander gasped. "He's ours!? Seriously!?" By now the dog had half climbed onto Zanders shoulders to begin pawing at his hair.

"Yes, he is. I'm glad you care about my car- What are you gonna name him?"

"Uhhhh.... How abouttt.. Bow!"

"Bow? Alright then, I'll get a collar tag made for him later then" He smiled as Zander went back to hugging the dog.

"..He's barely met us and he's already favouriting you-"

"That's a good thing!" He giggled.

Luke just sighed and shook his head before bending down to kiss Zanders cheek.

"He's just like me Fr ma-"


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