His voice pt 2 💕😘✌️

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Zander walked into the clubroom and dumped his bag on the floor. Why was it so dark- even the blinds were down- he just shrugged as he reached for the light switch.

As Light illuminated the room, he turned around and saw in the middle of the room, a chair, a desk, and Sean, Millie, Luke and Hailey all staring at him while wearing fake moustaches. He had half the mind to walk out right then and there, but ultimately decided against it.

Instead he pulled out his phone and texted the groupchat, everyone else immediately pulled out their phones to see what he was saying.


"Oh!! We've decided that we're gonna be your speech therapists!!" Millie grinned.

Zander stared at them blankly before typing again.

'I don't think that's how it works.'

"Sure it is!! Just sit down!!"

'I cannot believe I'm enabling you guys to do this dumb shit.' He rolled his eyes as he walked over and sat down.

Millie placed a piece of paper infront of him, Zander looked down and saw the word 'cat' written on it. He glared up at them, with a questioning look. (A glare)

"Hey-! Don't look at us like that! We're starting small!!"

'Why are we doing this?'

"Because we want you to talk! But if you don't want to do this you don't have to-" Luke added.

Zander just rolled his eyes as he opened his mouth to say the word on the paper.

But then he quickly realised, he couldn't.

He tried again, nothing. When he had to say something, he couldn't talk.

"You struggling?" Millie asked, concerned.

Zander just gave her a thumbs up as he stood up, deciding he wasn't doing that anymore.

"Aw cmon! Come try again!" Luke tried to encourage only for Zander to shake his head and head over to his piano.

After a few weeks, Zander had taken it upon himself to try and talk on his own, and he was doing really well, granted now instead of silence he would respond with a word or two!

Though he hadn't quite tested on the club..

The club sat on the couch as the tv played, they were having a sleepover.

Zander rested his head on Luke's shoulder as he held a hand around his waist. Zander looked up at him before quietly muttering.

"..I'm hungry-" and he was, he was actually fucking starving.

Luke shot up and looked at Zander in shock, no one else heard it.

"OW LUKE-! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!" Millie whined.


Zander just looked at the club and rolled his eyes as he looked at his nails. Truth be told it was making him nervous.


"Yes I can talk..?" He muttered quietly.


"..I'm hungry-" he pouted. He honestly just wanted them to shut up and make him food.

"HUNGRY!? OK! BE RIGHT BACK!!" And with that Luke left the room.


Zander stood up and followed him.

He walked in and sat on the counter as he swung his legs.

Luke picked up some snacks and held them out.

"Which one?"

"..That-" he whispered as he pointed to the one he wanted. Luke just smiled as he kissed his cheek.

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