Found but an alternative ending💔💕

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No death dw babes, I'd never do that to my pookie bears💋💋💋💋💋  (this is cerys from the future, this shit is so much more dramatic than I intended)

Zander watched as the man had left upstairs, he had just force fed Zander yet another sedation pill. However, Zander had managed not to swallow it, as hard as it was he managed to keep it in his mouth whilst swallowing the tiniest bit of water he was given. As soon as he left, Zander spat it out. He'd tried to do it many many times before, but never succeeded.

He had stopped trying for god knows how long. He remembers each and every time he had tried it. He had failed. Punishments were different everytime. Beaten, drugged, starved, sleep deprived, tortured and other stuff that even just thinking about makes him feel sick to his stomach. But he just couldn't do it anymore, he didn't care, he just had to get out. His whole body was covered in cuts, almost all of them were infected due to all the dirt and lack of wash. He was granted access to shower once every month,but every time he did the shower would be freezing cold and he wasn't even allowed anything to wash himself with, just the water.

He stood up and cursed as he felt a sharp pain in his ankle, last time he tried to run his abductor had snapped his ankle to prevent him running again. That was 6 months ago. Every step he took was agony, the cuts on his thighs rubbed together, his ankle was fucked, his back had multiple open cuts and was heavily bruised. He didn't know how expected to run like this, especially since he was dehydrated, hungry and asthmatic. He had absolutely no hope, he couldn't do this. But it doesn't matter hat the outcome is, he gets some type of punishment and life goes to how it's always been, or he gets murdered, which was fine. He couldn't care less, if anything, he'd be relieved.

..Relieved. Is that the right word to use? No, it couldn't be. There was still everything on the outside world, his marriage, which never happened, his family, his dog, his job. He had everything ahead of him. But now it's been taken from him.

His physical pain was fine, it would heal, but the mental damage of knowing that everything he worked hard for, everything he had built up was taken from him for no good reason. Or maybe there was a reason? He wouldn't know, he was never allowed to ask questions, of course he is mouthy, he had tried many times to argue with his abductor, but sooner or later he realised, there was truly no reason to. Abide by the rules or get beaten less. Sometimes the man would be stressed, and took some sadistic pleasure in causing harm to Zander.

Zander managed to make it up the steps, after what felt like hours. He looked through the small key hole and saw the man on the couch. Should he just run for it...? The worse that'll happen is punishment, the murdering scenario wouldn't happen..presumably.. the man said he 'Loved him too much to do that'. Sick. He looked at the surroundings, well from what he could see anyways, he saw the man infront of a window, just looking out of made Zander feel uneasy..

Zander just sighed before throwing the door open and running out, immediately hissing in pain as he felt the pain of his ankle. But despite that he ran over to the front door, the man ahd noticed him.

He picked up a butchers knife and ran after Zander who had just ran out the front door.

Zander felt an adrenaline rush he had never felt before, his eyes widened and his body aching he ran, he didn't know where. But what he did know, was that he was right behind him. He was screaming something inaudible, Zander couldn't scream, he couldn't. He was so scared, as he was running, his ankle gave out and he fell to the ground. He got on his hands and knees and looked behind him, he was there.

He grabbed him harshly by the hair and tugged him onto his feet, yelling something that Zander couldn't make out, he stared at the face in fear, his breathing ragged. He felt his hands twitch, and before he could even registered what he was doing, he shoved the man to the ground. He still had a strong grip on Zanders hair, and was attempting to stab him.

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