I need her pt 2💔💕

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When he softly closed Zanders door and went downstairs, he was bombarded with questions.

"Is he ok!?"

"Eh- Not really if I'm being honest... But he's better...!"

"What happened!?"

"How did you get him to talk to you!?"

"I broke his lock-"


"Desperate times call for desperate measures, but overall he seems comfortable around me again."

"How long do you think until we can actually speak to him again?" Michael questioned.

"Ah... He's in a terrible state... So maybe a while.."

"How bad is he..?" A concerned young purple haired girl asked. She was far to young to even be aware that her brother was in a bad state of mind. So the question shattered Luke's heart.

"Bethy... Uhm.. You know what? Maybe I'll try and take Bethy in later. Just to test the waters?"

Her eyes widened as her face lit up and she let go of Sean's leg. "I get to see Zandy again!?"

Sean smiled and ruffled her hair. "I think that's a good idea Luke. Out of all of us I feel the first person he'd be open to seeing, outside of you would be this little devil."

Bethany giggle and ran forward to hug Luke's leg.

"Thank you!" She ran outside to play.

"Ok.. Now allow Zanders older sibling to ask the same question. How bad is he?" Hailey asked, repeating Bethany's question.

"I'm gonna be honest.. it's the worst I've seen him.. he's lost a lot of weight, he's much much paler, he hadn't showered in ages, he clearly hadn't got out of bed aside from him going to the kitchen and bathroom... Then when I made him a sandwich we were there for 3 hours because he found it hard to eat..."

Hailey broke down in tears as she ran up to her room. Everyone just let her go. "I'm thinking of ordering you guys in McDonald's tonight.. Maybe you could share your fries with him..?" Michael suggested. "Huh- Yeah of course! Not a problem!"

"Alright thanks Luke.. You're a great boyfriend to him.."

Luke smiled and nodded.


Later on Luke stood outside Zanders door. He was holding a happy meal and a regular McDonald's bag 😻😻 ugh now I'm hungry for McDonald's ngl. He also had a excited Bethany clinging to his leg.

He lightly knocked the door. "Zan? I'm back again! I hope it's alright that I brought Bethany...?"

He heard the blankets move and then... nothing.

He sighed and was about to turn away. Just as Bethany's lip started to quiver, his phone buzzed. He took it out his pocket to check.

Srry I was asleep

He smiled and opened the door, not missing how Bethany's face lit up as she ran inside and jumped on the bed. She immediately tackled Zander and started sobbing and babbling about how she missed him.

Zander giggled a bit and sat up with her on his lap as he stroked her hair while she gripped onto his shirt.

"Hi Bethy.. Missed me?"


"Love you too" He rolled his eyes. Fortunately Beth was too young to see and understand just how much Zander had physically changed. It spared her the worry and innocence. Luke could tell it took every ounce of Zanders would to refrain from breaking down infront of Bethy. And honestly Luke admired how strong he was.

"Come on Bethy, give your brother a break" Luke smiled closing the door and setting the bags down on Zanders desk. "Aren't you hungry?"

"I am! But if I go downstairs to eat then I won't see Zandy again!"

Zanders eyes visibly widened.

Luke kinda panicked.

"Hey bethy- Your foods here don't worry!" He said hoping Zander didn't realise what Bethany meant. He did.

He stood up.

"Babe you alright?"

"This is so fucking stupid..." He picked up Bethany then walked out the room and headed downstairs.

That shocked Luke. Did he just- He followed after Zander who was walking downstairs.

Everyone else was eating silently around the table. It hadn't been the same without Zander. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs and assumed that Luke was bringing Bethany back down because Zander didn't want to see her.

Then they saw Zander carrying Bethany. And he was walking towards them. He sat down on a seat with Bethany still on his lap. Luke was just as shocked as everyone else as he sat down next to Bethany and Zander.

"Zan-" Michael began. "Yeah hi, sorry for ghosting you for like a month"

".. Hello to you too..." Michael replied, slightly smiling. He didn't realise how much he'd miss Zanders straightforwardness.

"Zander! Are you ok!?" Hailey exclaimed. "Nope, I'm not here, I'm a hallucination. I'm actually dead" he rolled his eyes.

"Glad to know your personality hasn't changed...?" Sean added.? "Glad to know that being rude to you guys is now classified my personality."

"Hey Zander... I know it's not the best time.. but you owe me 35 bucks!"


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