Wedding❤️ 💕💕💕💕💕

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Zander was pacing back and forth in the room. Him being nervous was an understatement. He hadn't even began to get changed yet, he was still in the clothes he'd arrived in while Millie, Hailey, Bethany and his mother tried to get him to calm tf down.

"Zan calm down for gods sake! No he's not gonna say no then toss you out a window! Worse that'll happen tonight is you trip up while walking the aisle!" Bethany tried to reason.

"But what if he does leave!? What if he's like 'lol bye your a loser'!?"

"If he verbally says 'lol' then he's not even worth it you douche!"

"Alex honey- Not even your auntie was this worried at her wedding-"

"Why do I have to be the first married!?"

"Becauseeee... Bethany is 14, and nobody loves me enough to date me, let alone marry me" Hailey shrugged.

"Zan, listen, I barely remember my childhood because it's clouded with you and Luke pining over each other, you're fine."

"Shut up Bethany! You're fourteen! Why are you even here-?"

"Because you asked me to be here you dick."

"I'm not a dick, wish I was though, they're quite nice."

"Oh my fucking- SHUT UP-" Hailey shoved him.



..With Luke's lil squad.

Luke was already ready, so he, Michael, Jake and Sean were just sitting down.

"Why did you guys make it so early if you're already ready-?" Sean questioned. They still had two hours to go.

"I'm going to take a guess and say Zanders procrastinating right now, he's probably worried out his mind so I figured I may aswell set it earlier  so he can clear his head." Luke shrugged.

Michael looked up from his phone. "You're Right, shannon just texted me that they can't get Zander to, in her words 'Shut the fuck up and get his ass ready'"

"Told you"

"So he's just in his dressing room- doing nothing-?" Jake tilted his head.

"Nono, hes pacing around" Michael corrected.

"Fantastic-" Sean added.

"Oh yeah- Luke, your suit looks really nice by the way! I've never seen a red and black themed wedding before-"

"Hm? Oh! Thanks! We chose the theme because- You know- Zander likes the way black themed weddings look, and my favourite colour is red- So we just combined the two"

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"Hm? Oh! Thanks! We chose the theme because- You know- Zander likes the way black themed weddings look, and my favourite colour is red- So we just combined the two"

"Right cool but I didn't ask for the whole entire blueprint of your wedding"

"Oh shut up you dick, it's a few extra words."

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