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Zander sat in the overly cushioned chair while tossing and catching a pen. This was his....what? Eleventh therapist-? For some reason his mother just wouldn't give up trying to get him help. Like- He gets why. But at the same time, it's probably making him worse. He couldn't stand it, at all. The sympathy he was receiving from the Doctors, it all seemed so fake. It was a routine, come in, fill out a form with a few questions along the lines of 'On a scale of 1-10 how bad are your thoughts to self harm?' 'On a scale of 1-10 how hard do you find it getting to sleep at night?' Bullshit, hes been purposely putting '0' on the self harm question, even though he knew damn well his thighs were 50% cuts, 15% burns and 35% skin. I mean, what else was he supposed to do? If he DID put anything six or above then he'd be put into more intense care than he was now. And he didn't even want to KNOW What that would be, I mean, hes already got 1hour and a half sessions four days a week-

Just then, he Heard a voice. "Darling? Have you finished yet?" The doctor asked, poking her head through the door. Ah, right, she left him alone to reevaluate his emotions- Even though he already knows what the fuck he's feeling and why.But whatever. He just nodded his head causing her to smile and walk over. She retook her seat.

"How have you been feeling my dear?"

"Uh- I don't know, I'm in intensive therapy at the ripe age of sixteen. Feeling great, feeling snazzy"

"...Right- Same as always then?"


"Right..- Alexander, I hate to push the process, however I feel as though if I know I'd really be able to help you."

"Uh- Okay?"

"Would you be ready to open up to me and talk about your father-?" He froze slightly. Immediately shaking his head. "No! Absolutely not-!" He felt panicked just at the thought of it. He didn't want to talk about, he never would.

"Hm..- What if you were to write it down?"

"Okay.." He mentally cussed himself out, the fuck did he mean 'Okay'!? Not it wasn't okay! He felt his heart race as he saw her dig through her drawers, but he couldn't say anything. He watched as she handed the paper and pen to him, then she got up to leave the room. He started to tear up. He really couldn't back out could he- He began to mindlessly write.

'When I was young my father was abusive. At first it started out with him yelling at my mother, and occasionally me. But then it escalated he began to get violent with my mother which stopped their arguments for a while. The arguments started again when he began to lay his hands on me, my mother would always be livid whenever she'd come home and see me with bruises all over. These arguments eventually lead to their divorce. I wonder if I hadn't been born, would they have still been a functioning couple? Was I their downfall? Since then I've been in an endless loop: Go to school, get bullied asf, come home, cry, hurt myself, sleep and repeat. So yeah no pretty cool. I keep having nightmares about him, I want to strangle him with something stupid, like pizza dough or smth that'd be funny. Then after that I want to strangle myself (not with pizza dough I'm worth more than that #priorities)'

And then he folded up the paper. "Missssssss! I finishedddddddddd!" She came back in and took the paper. Sitting down to read it over. Her facial expression changing as she walked over to the phone in the room.

She was calling his mother. Ohhhh dearrrr- He's fucked. OH FUCK HES SO FUCKED- He over heard the doctor telling his mother how they'd have to admit him to a mental hospital. He knows he shouldn't, but he found it funny. Yet at the same time, he was scared. Incredibly scared, he was about to be basically imprisoned. He immediately pulled out his phone and opened the GC.(So did I when I went💀)


Boy ain't u half way through ur session? Why tf u texting

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