His figure 💔💕🌪

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Vent fic about what happened IRL aside from nobody was there to defend me and instead ppl laughed at me and called me a slut 😍

It was PE and for once Zander joined in. It was just dodgeball so overall really easy.

Millie and Hailey had this thing during PE. They always stand together and listen into others conversations.

They saw two boys talking while looking at Zander so they both naturally decided to listen in.

"He's gay right? In that case I'll totally date him just to use his body. I mean like he's slim and short and shit so why not?"

"Apparently he has a boyfriend, Luke Peterson from class 4-E." "isn't he quite popular though? " "Meh I'm sure he also just wanted Zander for his body. Nobody in the right mind would actually love Zander. He's so... dislikable..."

"Yo dude~ Look he's bending ov-"


Millie and Hailey watched in shock as Luke full on punched that boy.

Zander looked over in shock. He was midway through bending down. Luke quickly grabbed Zanders hand and picked up the ball for him.

"Hey! What the hell bro!? Why did you hit him!?"

"Ah I'm so sorry! Perhaps I threw the ball too hard!" Luke said sweetly. He didn't even throw a ball. He just wanted Zander to not notice this. Zander shrugged and continued playing as Luke walked over to the two.

"Listen here. I would really fucking appreciate it if you do not make sexual comments about my boyfriend. He is fucking sixteen. Right now his priorities are studying and nothing else. Even when studying isn't his priority the last thing on his list would be doing something sexual. He hates the idea of it. And for your information, I am dating Zander purely because I love him. I could care less about his body. Now continue playing. If I see you do as much as even LOOK in his direction I'll fucking
Tie you to a chair and stab you repeatedly in non vital areas and then make you wish you were never born. And then finally after days of torture I'll finally kill you off. Kay?"

"I- Your fucking insane dude."

"You have not confirmed my command!"

"Fine whatever..." they walked away to continue playing.



Girls locker room


"That shit was insane!" Millie exclaimed as she pulled her shirt over her head.

"I'm genuinely intimidated by Luke now my god..."

"Those bastards had it coming to be fair"

"Yeah I'm glad Luke did that to be honest"

"God the things they were saying about Zander was gross!" Millie gagged.




When Millie and Hailey entered
The first thing they noticed was Luke was making sure Zander was close to him at all times. That did confuse Zander but he wasn't complaining.

Vent fic about what happened IRL aside from nobody was there to defend me and instead ppl laughed at me and called me a slut 😍

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