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Lander + Platonic Zailey

Zander was curled in a ball underneath his blanket, he was desperately clinging to a plush he usually just kept for display. He could hear heavy rain against his window, his headphones were dead so he couldn't blast music. Just then another loud bang erupted. He yelped and hid his face into the plush. Just then he felt the bed dip down next to him and a small hand rubbing his back from on top of the blanket.

"Are you ok Zan...? Should I call Luke?"

His stepsister, Hailey.

A/N(This is me making up for making her a asshole in 2 of my stories 🙀)

He tried to speak but couldn't. All that he managed was a few choked sobs. Hailey took it as a yes.

She stayed by his side rubbing his back for comfort as she called Luke.

Luke did have a spare key to the house. Zander gave him it years ago.


He was literally asleep. Lucky bastard.

But he jolted awake when he heard his phone ringing, he hadn't noticed the huge fucking storm right outside his window yet.

"Hmn... Hailey...? What's up..?" He yawned.

"..Luke... I'm calling you. During a thunderstorm. What do you think that means?"

"There's a thunderstorm?"

"... Are you fucking stupid?"

"OH! I hear it now! Oh wait- Yeah I'll be over in a few."

"Mkay thank you"

He hung up and set his phone down. He walked to his wardrobe and picked out a basic outfit, and also a shit ton of jackets. You wouldn't believe how many times he's walked through a thunder storm for Zander.

He eventually made it to the house, he was absolutely drenched. Literally dripping wet.

A/N ....Is it just me... who laughed....?

He fumbled through his keys and found the one to the house. He unlocked the door and quickly ran upstairs.

He ran through to his boyfriends bedroom. The room was painted a pale pink, there was a double bed with pale purple blankets. He had bookshelves covering almost every single wall. And he had a small desk in the corner of his room.

He walked over and sat next to Hailey on the bed.

"Ah! Luke you're he-" all of a sudden Zander dove onto Luke with the blankets still on him, pushing both him and Luke down to lay on the bed, Zander was laying on his chest.

"Oh- Hi!" He smiled and carefully sat up while hugging Zander😱

"Where's your headphones?"

"They're dead" Hailey responded.

"Ohhhh ok. Ummm- this is why I like wired better- Um- Let's watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure. Random soap operas you like to yell at and criticise?"

She asked Zander who didn't respond.

"Random Soap operas it is!" Luke confirmed as he turned on the TV.

A/N if y'all haven't yelled at soap operas your weird asf

They sat there quietly with a few occasional sobs from Zander.

Eventually all 3 of them fell asleep.

Hailey resting her head on Luke's shoulder with him resting his head on her head (platonic) Zander laying on Luke's chest with his legs on Haileys lap. Shannon posted a few photos to Facebook!!

A/N Shannon's a Facebook mum change my mind

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