Eating Disorders💔💕⚡️

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TwEating disordersSelf harmSelf doubt

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Eating disorders
Self harm
Self doubt

I've done some research about this topic so I could attempt to accurately write it. And i am so sorry that some of you have to go through that. It's absolutely horrible. Recover at your own pace. Don't eat more than you can. Start of slow. I wish you a smooth recovery<3

Zander laid in bed. Hailey had just woken him but he didn't have the energy to get up. He never did. It was horrible, he hadn't gotten sleep the previous night due to hunger pains. However, he himself knew he had to get up sooner or later.

He got up feeling very very tired. He wanted to just lie down forever, but unfortunately he could not do that. He walked over to his wardrobe and looked through his clothes. Not paying attention to the blue discolouration of his fingers.

He picked out a baggy outfit. He didn't want other people to see how fat he was.

He took forever to get changed. Not having the confidence to even dare to look in the mirror. His mind failed him. He looked.

Fat. Ugly. Overweight.

All these thoughts flooded his head as he looked away in distraught. What the fuck. How do people like him when he looks like...that?

As he continued to get changed he tried to push these thoughts away. He really did. But they always seemed to linger.

He finally finished changing and he walked out of his room and downstairs. He was greeted with the smell of breakfast.

"Morning Zandy~ I made pancakes! Do you want some?" Hailey offered.

Yes. His stomach was screaming at him to take it. But once again, his mind failed him.

"No thanks Hailey, I'm not that hungry."

"Are you sure? You only had dinner yesterday?"

That's true. Zander took a few bites of dinner but he scooped the rest into a paper towel when everyone else was distracted by something then he put it in the bin and threw up what he ate. How greedy could he be? He's already fat enough.

"I'm fine! I just don't have a big appetite! I also had some snacks in the night..."

"Oh? Alright then! You can head to school if you want!"

"..Will do..!"

He left the house but as he stepped onto the streets he immediately jumped. It was cold. For some reason when he began to 'diet' himself the cold seemed... colder...

He wrapped his arms around himself as he began to walk to school, fatigue following close behind.

He walked into school and headed straight to his locker. Liam waiting there for him.

"Morning freak~"

Zander ignored him and opened his locker putting his things inside and taking some things out.

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