Meow💕(this is a oneshot)

384 14 44

deft0nesg1rl Evaarchheart

We were making head cannons and this happened, so 😢

The club were sitting around, watching some random film,it was 2 in the morning, everyone was just as energised as they were throughout the day, well.. not Zander.

He was having trouble not getting his much needed beauty sleep.

Eventually, the film came to an end and everyone else groaned while Zander just stared into space.

"Should we go for another film?" Sean asked.

"Yeah! None of us are tired!!" Milly practically yelled back.

"Uh.. Zander doll..? Are you alright-? You haven't moved in like 70 centuries..." Luke asked.

"  'Mmm fineeeeeeee..~"

"..hate to burst your bubble Milly, but I think he's tired..-" Luke sighed as he held Zander tighter, a small habit of his that he always did whenever Zander was tired.

"No I dont think he is, I think he snuck in some whiskey or something-" Hailey added.

"No, he did that last night, hes just tired right now." Luke shrugged.

"WHAT!? HE HAD WHISKEY LAST NIGHT!?" Sean whipped his head around, shocked.



"..he can legally drink now Hailey"

"..I know"

"But yeah no, this time he's just tired." Luke smiled as he kissed his head.

Milly waddled over to them and sat right in front of Zander.

"Zandeerrrrr!! You know the kitty you left at the sea yesterday? What did you do with it?"

"Milly- What the fuck are you talking abo-"


Everyone just kind of paused and looked at Zander, who was not registering a single damn thing, all of a sudden the whole club burst out laughing while luke just sat there, confused.

"HOLD ON-! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Sean asked Zander.

"Meow meowwwww😿😿😿😿"

"Zander darling-! They're- oh my fucking- There was no cat..-" luke tried to gently explain, trying to stop Zander from further embarrassing himself.

"What happened to the kitttyyyyyyyyyy.... Meowwwwww😭😿😿😿😿😿"

".. I'm going to put him to bed." Luke stood up as he helped Zander up and held his hand, he tried to lead him to the staircase, but he bashed into a wall causing the club to point and laugh more.

Luke just sighed as he picked him up and brought him up the stairs.

Luke just sighed as he picked him up and brought him up the stairs

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