I need her💔🫀💕

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It had been a few weeks since Shannon's death. She had died due to a seizure.

Everyone took this hard. Even the group of teens who often came round. However Michael ensured that everyone remained happy despite the passing. A few days after her death everyone was able to laugh and smile again. All but one.

It had been weeks now. And that one still hasn't budged. Everyone was increasingly worried about him. It was Zander. He never left his room. When he did it was to grab a cereal bar every other day or to go to the bathroom. He didn't even wash. When he did leave his room everyone would try to talk to him. Nothing. He'd walk past them in silence. Hell he didn't even respond to their texts.

Zander honey please come out we're all worried


Zan i can see you reading the messages


Love please at least eat something else other than cereal bars?

Message could not be sent. You are blocked by this user

Luke let out a sigh and slumped back on the couch.

"Is he still reading you on read...?" Sean had asked. "...Yeah... But now he blocked me.." Sean nodded as Millie looked over to the staircase. Probably hoping Zander would come down them.

They had all been staying over at the house in attempts to help Zander. Nothing was working. They hadn't even heard him play keyboard, and Michael confirmed that Zanders electronics hadn't been used often that month, only to read messages. (He found that out on the wifi thingy)

Meanwhile, Zander was laying on his side on his bed. He was wearing his mothers hoodie. He had just blocked Luke. He had visible eyebags and had obviously been crying. He smelled horrible and he acknowledged that. His hair was a mess so whenever he left his room he always put his hood up.

Once again. That annoying knock on the door.

"Babe... Can you please let me in...? I haven't seen you in weeks... it's just me... please...?"

Zander felt guilty, he did however he just wanted to loose touch from life so he decided to cut off all forms of communication with those around him.

Luke waited a few moments but was met with silence.

Luke knocked again. "Zander listen. If you don't unlock the door I'll break the lock."

He wouldn't do that.

Is what Zander thought.

All of a sudden the door opened and Zanders eyes widened. He actually did it?

He heard the door softly close and then he felt his bed dip down next to his feet.

He wasn't gonna look up. He didn't want to.

Luke just sat there. Partially in shock. Zander looked so... inhuman... he had gotten disturbingly skinnier, he was paler, his eyes seemed empty and he was just staring off into space.

Luke let out a small sigh before resting his hand on Zanders thigh as his eyes skimmed over Zanders unusually messy room.

"Darling get up. We're gonna get you in the shower kay? Then we're gonna give you some... proper food... then I'll clean your room. If you don't wanna see anyone else then I can make sure they don't see you however if you're in this state then I'm definitely staying."


"Baby... please say something..."

"...go away"


"I'm serio-"

"So am I. Now sit up."

Zander was still refusing so Luke picked him up.

Zander began to squirm in attempts to get back down onto his bed.

"No. You're going for a bath." Luke states as he walked out Zanders bedroom holding him in his arms.

Once he finished running the bath he undressed Zander and gently placed him in. Zander was so far out of it that he didn't even feel embarrassed.

Despite Zanders protests Luke began to wash Zanders hair.

He was gentle. He gently rubbed in the shampoo and conditioner and gently poured warm water over Zanders head to wash it off, being mindful to shield Zanders eyes.

He immediately wrapped Zander in a towel when he took him out the bath.

"See? Isn't that better?" Luke have a gentle smile.

"..hardly..." Zander blatantly lied.

"You're just saying that love, I can tell."

Luke dried him off and put him in a robe. (He forced Zander to put on his own underwear dw)

He picked Zander up again, with Zander loosely wrapping his legs and arms around Luke.

Luke brought them downstairs and was immediately met with the shock of everyone else. They were about to start yelling with concern and or excitement but Luke shook his head before raising his finger up to signal them to be quiet.

They seemed upset but agreed nonetheless as they watched Luke carry Zander into the kitchen.

He sat Zander on the kitchen counter as he made some basic ham and cheese sandwiches, not much but it was a good start. He also made him some tea to ease his mind.

Zander was still refusing to eat. So that resulted in Luke having to hand feed him.

Luke knows that what he's doing is somewhat wrong. He knows he shouldn't be forcing Zander to do these things. However he deeply cares for Zander. He just wants him to be healthy again.

They sat there for a good hour filled with Zander taking small bites, starting to tear up because he can't bring himself to eat it until Luke gives him some words of praise and encouragement. He eventually finished eating and pushed his plate away from him as he looked up at Luke.

Luke gave him a smile before extending his hand out. Zander hesitated but he took it and slowly stood up, his legs wobbly due to not standing for so long.

Luke slowly walked with Zander hand in hand to his room. He was trying to encourage Zander to walk again. He was taking it slowly for him.

As soon as they reached the room Zander was sat on his office chair as Luke began to clean.

It was disgustingly messy but Luke didn't really care about that.

He cleaned up the mess, threw out trash, hoovered, cleaned the windows, folded his clothes, dusted and mopped his room.

He picked Zander up AGAIN and gently sat him on his bed sitting down next to him. He pulled Zanders head onto his lap and began playing with his hair.

"Baby... do you wanna see the others?" A small head shake for no. "Alright then love... how about you get some sleep?" "mm...." Luke chuckled a bit. "Is that a yes or a no darling?" His boyfriend was already fast asleep.

Luke smiled as he gently took Zander off of his lap and tucked him into bed. He moved a stray hair behind Zanders ear before leaning in to peck his lips before shutting off the lights and walking out.

He'd be back to see him again the next day.

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