14. Hello

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A/N: Double update coming! Yay! 



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Walking down the hallway for the first time in three weeks, Kailani clutched her books to her chest and kept her head down. She wanted nothing more than to climb into her locker and disappear from the world after reading Jacob Ben Israel's graphic blog post regarding the underground asshole boys her ex-boyfriend happened to lead through a sexual drug ring as well her...accident.

"Hey, babe." Alisha looped her arm with Kailani's and kissed her cheek, pleased to see she was out of her depressing clothing she had been glued to over winter break and back into something more her style, however, missing her usual sparkling smile. "Looking good."

"Hey, guy!" Mercedes and Rachel grinned as they spotted Alisha and Kailani, mainly looking at their blue bowed friend. "We were just talking about how the school's been loving us since the Glee Club won Sectionals."

"Very proud, guys." Kailani added, sending the three girls a small smile.

"I agree!" Kurt appeared from behind his sister, looping her arm and taking her books into her empty arm. "Everyone looks at us differently now."

"I wanna be with you, Rachel." Jacob called down the hall as they passed, earning a glare from Alisha, not wanting him anywhere near her best friend after his horrifying blog post.

"Buzz off, Penis Breath! Go suck Karofsky's dick!" She spat, rolling her eyes and focusing back on her friends. "We're like super cool now."

"We're glitterati!" Kurt added, breathing a smile. "I feel like Lady Gaga."

"Get used to it, guys. We're stars now." Rachel said, as Mercedes giggled. "We're on par with all the jocks and popular kids! It's the dawn of a new era here at Mckinley and we are gonna rule this scho-"

The five friends all gasped as they received blue slushies straight to the face from Karosfky and his football friends, halting their steps and exchanging falled looks of disappointment.

"Welcome to Loser Town." Karofksy spat, looking between Kurt and Kailani with an amused smug smirk. "Population: You."

"So nice to see the captain of the rock squad back!" Azimio laughed, pouring another slushee on top of Kailani as they walked by down the hallway. "Don't forget rocks don't float!"

"Are you okay?" Alisha asked, frowning as Kailani just stared at the ground, blinking the slushee out of her eyes. "Kai?"

"I'm fine. I need to get to class." Kailani muttered, stepping off and leaving the group behind.

"She's not okay, is she?" Rachel asked, looking at Kurt, who sighed and shook his head.

"She's embarrassed, depressed...worried." He said, watching his sister walk down the hallway like she hadn't just been drowned and turned into an avatar. "She isn't a big fan of the holidays so this all added to it."

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