2. Britney/Brittany

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A/N: I don't know if you're all prepared for how cute Kailinn are 😂



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"Did you want a water bottle?" Quinn asked, kissing Kailani quickly as they passed in the kitchen, frowning and doing a 180 on her heel when the girl wiped it off with her sleeve. "What? Come back here."

"What? Oh, yeah. I'll have one." Kailani replied, frowning as she turned around to her girlfriend's confused look, accepting another kiss from Quinn, but subconsciously doing the same thing as she turned to walk towards the pantry, wiping her mouth off with her sleeve. She gasped in surprise when her shirt was yanked back towards Quinn. "What is up with you?"

"Kiss me." Quinn pouted, grinning happily when Kailani rolled up on her toes and kissed the girl. She gasped when Kailani wiped her face. "Stop wiping my love off! What are you doing?"

"You taste like toothpaste!" Kailani whined, scrunching up her nose. "You have that spicy toothpaste." She stuck out her bottom lip and rolled her eyes when Quinn pecked her lips again, following quickly with another before Kailani could wipe it off. "Quinn!"

"Accept my love. It's not my fault you use watermelon children's toothpaste. I use the big kid stuff." Quinn laughed, kissing Kailani again with a little more force, repeating a few more times as she backed her up towards the counter with a smirk. "Take it...Take it...Take it...Mhmm."

"Get away from my sister. No fucking in the kitchen. We eat food here." Kurt groaned as he walked into the kitchen and witnessed Quinn's lip assault, laughing when Kailani blushed and kissed the blonde's cheek before turning back towards the pantry. "I thought you guys were going for your sickly cute morning couple run?"

"We did." Kailani replied, shrugging. "We were up earlier than expected, so we had time to shower."

"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that in case Dad asks me why you're trying to save water." Kurt grumbled, accepting the yogurt cup from his sibling as she rolled her eyes.

"We took turns." Kailani said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sure you did."

"I waited in the living room. Don't worry." Quinn laughed, shaking her head as Kailani blushed and returned to hunting for something to eat for breakfast before school that morning.

The two had taken their physical relationship slower than most probably would have guessed. While kissing and making out wasn't an issue for either of them, Quinn was too worried about making Kailani uncomfortable to make any big jumps forward, so she let her set the pace. While there were definitely times Quinn had a very hard time, she was pretty proud of the control she held over herself versus her last boyfriends or make outs.

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