13. Comeback

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A/N: We got some fluffy and Spicy Kailinn coming on this chapter...and some second hand embarrassment for Sam as always...but here we go kiddos!



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"Oh, no, no, no."

Kailani rolled her eyes as Quinn walked into her bathroom and instantly began protesting as she worked on her hair. Ever since Sam Evans had pretty much made it clear to everyone he was gunning for Quinn Fabray's 'spot', things had been a little on edge.

Alisha had backed up Kailani's story before Quinn could even ask, both stories matching and even having Tina to serve as a witness since the black girl stole half of Kailani's Valentine's day candy in class – even the suckers in her mouth – just to annoy her best friend.

Which was most likely the lovely transfer of mono that she had been blessed with for a week, ruining their Valentine's Day trip and kicking Quinn out of the Hummel-Hudson household – Burt's rules not Kailani's – until the brunette had gotten completely over her sickness.

Things between them were alright. Nothing majorly wrong, but it didn't take a genius to see there were still some issues in the air regarding the blonde haired boy. Kailani continued to friendzone him as gently as possible, which Quinn hated because she honestly wanted to just punch his big lips back to Tennesse.

Quinn simply hates his off-brand Justin Bieber southern playboy face.

"What's wrong, love?" Kailani asked, eyes trailing around her reflection as she ran her fingers through her hair with a product, helping her curls sit a little more relaxed over her shoulders with the help of the bathroom mirror.

"You are not going out in that outfit." Quinn pursed her lips and let her hands fall on her hips as she looked her partner over, swallowing down her attitude a smidge when Kailani turned and arched her own brow to challenge the statement. "I would prefer you didn't go out in that outfit."

"Hm." Kailani turned back to the mirror and smoothed down her black and white plaid skirt as her eyes looked over her white knitted sweater and black winter leggings. "I thought I looked appropriate for the day. We match a bit. Nothing's showing and I've worn it before? Skirt's not short."

"You look appropriately inappropriate." Quinn mumbled, snaking her arms around Kailani's waist and smiling slightly when she spotted a small hickie behind her partner's ear, other small love bites covered by make up and her sweater. "I'm kidding. You looked stunning...just..pull this out and let's pull this down further."

Kailani giggled as Quinn pulled her Quinn necklace out from inside her shirt and let it sit over her sweater, pulling her skirt down her waist as far as it could go without ruining the tuck she had made. She continued fixing her hair in the mirror, eyes scanning her face with a small frown.

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