Dino-Sour cookie

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Dino-Sour cookie cookie met you an paleontologist and came to dragon valley to study the animals there and he was mesmerized by a nother cookie who care for the jellysours he wanted you to be his

-his love jellysours and dragons are still there but you take a higher point

-Dino-Sour cookie would use his friend a jellysour to send you notes or pictures of a pink jellysours

-the notes would be flirty but change to weird love letter's

-Dino-Sour cookie learned to
use a camera to take pictures of you so he has you

-when mala sauce cookie needs help to find the dragon he will help and you won't find him for a long time but he comes back

-you'll meet his sister sourbelt cookie who is infatuated by a cookie but still makes you clothes that won't burn

(Dino egg)
Dino egg found you after you saved it from a jellysours attack and it trusted you after that

-follows you when your near a dangerous area

-likes to give you small gifts like the pink jellysours pictures or small gems

-you can't really get it out of it's shell but some what starting to

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