Sea Fariy x reader with trust issues

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You have trust issue and with the soothing sea it helped calm your nerves for you with you hiding from those who you don't trust but as one day on sea you saw a frozen tower with you getting closer climbing the frozen tower you saw a cookie with soda water for a dress and hair as you quickly left Sea Fariy saw a glimpse of you as she questioned who you are as she saw you sailing away she blushed questioning about you with her Moonlight agreeing it's was ok and the both agree as you were sailing away the boat flipped knocking you out when you came back you saw you were on a island with a lighthouse

-When she greets she finds you're scared backing up as well from her it might take her a second you may have trust to her

-Concerned about you not trusting her she'll try to have you warm up to her from talking and kind leaving gifts to you like shells or small desserts that are still dry

-When you do warm up to her she'll hear why you have trust issues she'll question who hurt you if you did answer she'll find the cookie at sea and drown them with a destructive wave

-If not she'll start sinking ships that have cookies that have characteristic of the cookie she guessed that hurt you

-After that She'll start being over protective of you not letting you have contact with the outside world

-As she's and Moonlight are the only ones who have contact to other islands so Sea Fairy won't tell you about what's happening on other islands

-You are given clothes when your washing or to sign you as hers

-She and Moonlight do take you the city of wizards but above the clouds to avoid see what's happening

-If you attempt to run away to fight Sea Fairy would hold you in place with water after that she'll apologize for hurting you

-If you got away she'll look for you with Moonlight helping in the search

(Water drop)
Pure as clear water they won't do anything wrong to you nor to Sea Fairy

-Non violent to you as they see that your in need of someone you can trust and that's them

-Their nice to talk to and might be the first person you can trust as their pure of heart

-They send messages from Sea Fairy to you

-They keep eye on you but their to kind to hurt you as if you try and escape they'll just block the exit in stead of restraining you

(Thank you to Axoldrew for the request)

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