Mont Blanc

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Pumpkin pie told you about Mont Blanc a cookie was teached by Chocolate bonbon entering it it was gorgeous as you looked around in another room Mont Blanc eyes left from her work and to you walking up to you she asked if she can help you explaining you were looking for clothes her eye lit up bringing you to a changing room she gave you some clothes to try on she couldn't help but blush and asked if the clothes were uncomfortable responding some were but most fit greatly thanking her for the clothes and gave her some of the ill fitting ones and some rainbow cubes and leaving Mont Blancs eye drew to the clothes you wore blushing heavily swallowing the lump in her throat

-Welcomes you to her boutique often when she's not working on now looks

-Has custom outfits made for you with it somewhat mimicking her clothes she wears

-She would measure again just so she can touch you

-If you need your clothes patched up she'll do it just to have something of yours and would have new set made

-Has stolen your clothes or would pay chili pepper steel it

-Burns one not made by her as their not good enough for you and keeps ones made by her as she made it

-Has clothes of yours framed and some are under her bed

-Has small torn cloths she smells after a day of work or to comfort her after a bad day it reminds her of you

-Gave you her treasure to help you

-Has cameras set up in a single changing room you commonly enter turning on a camera when you enter

-Too scared of regection from you so she doesn't ask you out

-Talks to Chocolate bonbon from letter to in person to talk though she asks questions about attraction to you

(A mouse hole is hidden to the gacha)+(Plus sorry if it was short there isn't much info to work with

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