Royal margarine

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Your a employee of a inn keeper from the same clan as Royal margarine known to let Royal margarine wyvern buttercream stay nearby the inn one day you were fixing a chair a customer broke when you heard the inns door open looking to see him covered in cuts and injuries and covered in jam taking him in quickly to patch his wounds asking what happened he told you about him being surprised attacked by a magma wyvern but you don't know the true story behind the jam

-How you got his attention was possibly your beauty or maybe your kindness

He would stay in a room in the inn

-He has taken things from you like a cloth or a few coins

-He loves to play cards with you

-He has roded Buttercream to stalk you

-You both have ridden Buttercream with him being the guid

-he doesn't like other cookies looking at you or flirting with them

-He can and might kill if someone attempted to get to close to you killing them with a serrated sharp knife

-He would get hurt and would say it was a dragon or wyvern that attacked

(Thank you scorpioncookie for the draconic request)

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