Tart tartan and Royal margarine x reader

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(Finally more monster hunter granny and the how to tame your dragon rider)
Your an Inn keeper in the dragon city and as it was a normal day again in the city as both hunter and rider entered your Inn welcoming them they told you about a wyvern they hunted together as the afternoon continued it like normal Royal margarine playing cards with the other patrons Tart tartan telling stories about old hunts but both cookies gave death glares at a cookie that was flirting with you as day soon came the cookie was never scene again

(Tart tartan)

-She possibly knows you the longest

-She is protective of you

-She's named her cannon after you and keeps it secret

-She has visited your inn and now it acts like a second home

-She has told you stories about her hunts

-You would have references in her books written about her possibly as a supporting character

-She is still is a lone wolf but it has it's advantages

-One such advantage is killing rivals as she can blast them to bits

(Royal margarine)

-He has stalked you with his wyvern

-Your Inn has become a second home

-He has played cards with you

-Your unable to ride Buttercream as Tart tartan will stop him

-He's protective of you like Tart tartan

-He has killed with a serrated knife as a butter knife isn't really good enough

-He has gotten ride of the bodies ether by a bigger wyvern or Buttercream

(No pets here yet)+(Thank you to scorpioncookie for the request)

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