Pumpkin pie

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You were in mont Blanc clothing finding new clothes
till you heard a cookie Are you getting ready for Halloween ? Turning around you met Pumpkin pie a cookie commonly told to you that she's creepy but explaining that you were finding new clothes Wonderful do you like tea parties saying yes she smiled and spoke about her doll PomPom enjoys tea parties looking down at her hands was a small doll laying limp chatting for a bit you got some clothes thanks to Pumpkin pie and went your separate ways out of view Pumpkin pie looked at her doll I think we have a new friend PomPom with the doll mimicking a giggle

-PomPom is her best friend and you are now as well

-Shes follows you in public
if you see her she'll act like she's looking for a New clothing shop or is wanting to invite you to a tea party

-If she's using the clothing shop lie she'll commonly use this if there is a clothing shop nearby

-If she's using the tea party lie then she'll host a tea party

-She would have a tea party that designed after Halloween with orange tea and ghost treats

-The tea party is not only chance to spend time with you she'll join you in clothing boutiques and would try and control you a bit with your clothes

-Commonly takes you to Mont Blanc boutique

-If she saw you hurt she'll have PomPom help take you to a medical center

-Or have PomPom crumble the cookie who hurt or attempted to kill you

-After a while she'll visit your home and would "accidently" leave PomPom behind

-PomPom would collect info on you in your home and when Pumpkin pie comes back to get PomPom they'll tell the info to Pumpkin pie

-With the info about you when she invits you to a tea party it'll have things you like like a dessert but Halloween designed or a small thing you like hidden but is overwhelming by the Halloween decor

-Shes knows PomPom True name but will never tell you for your safety

-Never kidnaps you as she would never want to harm you

-She would slightly manipulate by telling fake gossip about a cookie or tell fake gossip about you to keep cookies away from you

-She would make you feel unsafe with some cookies she dislikes and would make you feel safe with cookies she trusts or herself and PomPom

(The pet is in a box)+(thank you LuneFox for the request)

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