Wind archer x musician reader

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Your a violinist sibling of Mint choco and know to be enjoyed along with the lines of Clover cookie playing music in the forest known to call small or big forest creatures to help attack or defend yourself but one day you called something else that day you sat down on a stump and prepared your violin playing it you attracted some birds but as well some some corrupt spirits charging at you you got moved away as said spirits were shot with arrows of light turning the spirit in birds as your hero landed he turned to you before leaving quickly

-He's over protective of you

-He stalks you in the forest jumping from tree to tree

-He enjoys the song you play on your violin

-When your attacked by corrupt spirits he'll save you purifying the spirits before leaving

-It rare but he would interact with you talking with you if you could play a certain piece

-If you have a certain spot you sit at then he'll make it more welcoming with fireflies or has decor

-Has made a small picnic in that spot

-If one of your violin strings broke then he'll find a replacement

-Does protect you from Millennial trees pet when they go on a rampage

-You did attract the cookiemials and his pet with your music that's how he found you

-You might meet Churro to protect you a favor from Wind archer

Made with a magic wind blades of grass leafs it was born in the heart of the forest

-It was attracted to your music leading Wind archer

-It helps Wind archer with protecting the forest

(Thank you to SelinaLuvyou for the request)

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