Popcorn cookie x chubby reader

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She met you by accident as you and her got seats next to each other as the movie progressed someone threw a soda cup at you changing seats Popcorn took the seat next to you as the movie ended her and you talked about the film and went separate ways but the cookie that threw the soda cup was never seen again only thing was a couple of crumbs and a broken window

-Popcorn has stalked you after being told by Red Pepper cookie that your a movie fan it got her hooked

-She has killed thank slasher movies for that as it helped her kill and to keep you with her as she loves you

-To avoid being caught who ever she kills gets made into popcorn and is disposed of and aren't seen again

-She tends to kill those who ether treat you badly or random cookies that she doesn't like

-Always kills at night as to avoid being seen but as well

-She really doesn't care if your chubby as to her your more huggable to her than a pillow

-When ever she needs to rest she'll if outside use your shoulder or inside a home sleep on your legs as pillows

-Time to time she'll invite you over to watch movies mostly with her but sometimes with other cookies

-If you can't come then Popcorn would have trouble watching the movie or will cancel the movie

-Most of the time the movies are romantic horrors to get a chance to cuddle with you or (your favorite genre here) to just romantic film's you can guess why

-She does force herself to watch documentaries as they bore her to no end but it's all on end to get in your good graces over a topic you like

-Conversation are normal but she'll try and change the topic to something you like
if she can't then it'll be about movie's

(Picky Tomato)
Picky and a critic but is unaware about Popcorn killing cookies

-Still a critic and critics you and gets death stares from Popcorn cookie which makes them quite

-Unknown to them or Popcorn but when near you they turn a cherry red

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