Ancients x V1 reader

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Your a special machine made by the witches to track down cookies that ran and escaped that had exceptional combat abilities one day the ancients Pure vanilla Holly Berry and Dark cacao Golden cheese were investigating on a strange cookie together as they traveled they found a heavily damaged cookie running as they then saw you running at them then firing them in the knee quickly Hollyberry Pure vanilla and Dark cacao ran in quickly as the fight began you fast movements were trouble some and it looked like you could fight for hours still it was only when a shot of yours ricochet off of Hollyberries shield and hit you in the leg then Dark cacao and Golden cheese pinned you down


-Your kept in the Vanilla kingdom do to how it Pure vanilla has knowledge of mecheins

(Pure vanilla)

-He's is fearful of you as you were able to fight five cookies on one and well he is only a healer

-Has tried to studied you to learn about you and your strengths and you are deactivated for everyone's safety

-Your aren't modified by Pure vallila

-If you try and attack him waffle bots are at the ready to fight back agents you

-Your possibly destroyed in the Vanilla kingdom when dark enchantress attacked in the dark flaower war


-She is slightly confused and impressed as you were able to fight five on one

-She won't introduce you to her family

-Your not brought to her kingdom for safety

-She might tell you her stories and I say might

(Dark cacao)

-He doesn't trust you at all do I have to tell

-He won't let you into his Kingdom nor near his son

(Golden cheese)

-Like Dark cacao She doesn't trust you but is interested in your mechanics

-You possibly shot her down and she doesn't like that

-Your not allowed in her kingdom

(White lily)

-She is scared or fears of you as you possibly harmed so many cookies

-She keeps her distance from you

(None of them have a pet)+
(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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