Capsiacin x fuzzy octopus reader

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It was the day of the triple cone cup before the cup began Capsaicin was looking out at the water as he scanned the lake he saw a cookie washed up on the lake heading to check if they were alright finding the cookie was octopus like with fuzzy tentacles and a pair of goggles on when you woke up he was trying to resuscitate you immediately enveloped yourself in a ink bubble surprising him with this ability and it took some time but he was able to convince you to leave the bubble as you spoke how you escaped a army and fled to this lake to hide with tears running down your face

-He will protect you from this army when they come

-If you ask about his shackles he'll say like always it's a accessory always

-He tries not to harm you and is careful

-His fans aren't aware of him attraction to you as they don't know if you exist

-He wouldn't harm anyone as he isn't that "thing" anymore

-Everytime you enter your ink bubble he'll try and talk you to leave it

-Gets confused when you hide in your ink puddles

-Careful and tries to not burn your ink if it's flammable

-Questions if he should bring you to the Mala tribe or even back to Scovillia when the cup is finished as your possibly not ment to be near lava

(Thank you to woomyphw for the Spicy request)

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