Apple cookie x runaway reader

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Your a runaway from a bad home life hearing about a closed theme park went to it the gates were open and with power was on taking the chance you entered needing a place you can call a home you spotted a pudding themed building thinking you could rest there you did the next day you woke to hear cookies playing looking out you were right needing to leave you tried to avoid them to the best you can making it to a playground with blocks making you trip as you hear a cookie saying with joy in her voice she saying HI MY NAMES APPLE COOKIE WHAT'S YOU NAME you were trembling she tried to comfort you and others came but before she tell them about what's happening you feld another day you went back to the park which you found out is called cookieland not taking the chance you went back to the pudding themed building
then you got spotted by a cookie it was the same one after a while you told her your name and told her your not from here nothing more

-Apple cookie questions about your answers so gets help from Chestnut walnut about it with help from Chestnut and walnut she learns the your a runaway

-With this info she tries to get closer to you to try and help and understand why you ran away but you not trusting her you push her away a lot

-She would ask cream unicorn cookie for help to get closer with someone and he would know that you are in need of help and helps

-Given some advice Apple would try again getting closer a bit but still being pushed away

-She would try and talk to you and avoid the reason you ran away as well give you a lot affection till you feel comfortable with her

-How she'll make you feel comfortable talking, gifts, or hugs if she messed up like hurting your feelings she'll apologize profusely till you give your reason for running away

-When you gave your reason
it hurt Apple cookie that happened to you and was forced to make a promise to not tell a soul but she can't hold it and told Walnut After Walnut was told Apple then told Chestnut about it and ask him to spread the news

-She'll keep you away from any info about her telling the others when your parents are arrested she'll keep you in the dark however she's still aloud in as she's friends with Cream unicorn and promised cream unicorn to see him

-if you did find out she'll be sad and would continually say sorry and try to make it up to but would take a while her to feel joyful again

-If you didn't find out she'll stays near you and shows a lot more affection to the point of smothering with her pet

-She'll won't have boundaries and generally stays near to keep you happy

-You would join apple in playing with Bell pepper cookie and when ever bell pepper speaks bad about you she'll just keep giving reasons your her best friend

-When Chestnut needs help delivering papers and asks you for help she'll come along for the ride

-Apple would join in playing bells with you and pudding

-So on and so forth with any cookie kid she'll be with you or nearby

(Apple rabbit)
They were alerted apple about you and help in making you feel comfortable

-Plays with you a lot

-Has ate your clothes a bit just leaving small holes

-Still scared of silver ware and keeps them away

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