Pitaya x dragon reader

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(Take a guess what monster you are?)
Your a dragon known for your spikes that retract out of your back and wrists making many dragon hunters scared of you and forcing many to runaway when they spot you however getting the attention of a reddish green dragon as one day you were fighting some cocky dragon hunters who believed they could take you on as you swatted away one the other hunter caused a land slide causing you to nearly fall into some nearby magma before you could burn the two hunters were killed as the same dragon helped you up with a sinister smile

-How you got their attention was well your like them and curious about cookies

-They have stalked you in their cookie form and they maybe have seen you in your cookie form

-If you have any injuries like cuts or stab wounds then they'll attempt to help you recover

-Their are careful with your spikes as to not stab themself

-They have brought food for you with it mostly being meat

-Has killed wyverns that he believes want to fight you

-After Sometime they will kidnap you and take you to his mountain keeping you in a chamber to small to fully transform

-If you attempt to escape then they'll stop you as he's is stronger than you abit

-He has cut your spikes to prevent from fighting back

-Would bring you food still as you can't leave

-Rarely brings you to the mala tribe as you could escape

-Has killed many hunters that entered pitayas home to try and kill you

-If you attempt to destroy their gem he'll stop you

-Has made a deal with Fire sprit to keep you secret

(Dragon fruitling)
Born from magma it grew wings and gained the ability to breath fire when a dragon was in peril it saved them after that it nonchalantly transformed back

-It followed Pitaya when he's stalking you

-If you were fighting Pitaya it would join them

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