Rebel secret agent x reader

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Your one of the many cookies the live under the malevolent rule of a evil magistrate as the royal inspector rode into town to inspect the magistrates government guard no one knew it was the Rebel who came to help stop the corrupt magistrate who went undercover to for a cookie that cookie was you

-He how he met you was by comming to your village after hearing after hearing about what was happening with the magistrate there he saw you being robbed by the guards and quickly went to protect you

-He's helping mainly for your sake and your fellow villagers mostly for your sake

-He wouldn't stalk you do him being under cover but he will when he takes down the magistrate or he would but at night

-He might tell you it's him Rebel if you can keep it secret

-Has killed mostly corrupt guards with his sword spilling jam

-He will take down the corrupt magistrate for you

It met rebel and joined him traveling the world now under cover it's wise and full of wisdom but it doesn't care about that it want to have fun traveling and seeing the world

-Rebel has use them to stalk you under the dead of night

-Rebel has tasked them to keep you safe till the corrupt magistrate has been defeated

(Thank you to T3st4cc0unt for the request)

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