Piñata cookie

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It was a special day as you were joining a old friend named Pinata cookie in some fun at cookieland but sadly the day had to end as you and her where leaving she couldn't stop talking on how much fun she had with you as you and had to go your separate ways she ask if she can bring you home as her pony could bring you home faster as you got on she couldn't help but blush a bright red hiding it from you with her cap as you got home safely she sighed a breath of relief as she knows your safe as she pulled out a picture of the both of you at a party before rushing off to head home still blushing

-Shes somewhat of a stalker following you without her horse as she's shorter so you can't see her in a crowd but she can make sure your ok

-Has followed you in public or to your home sometimes taking pictures of you

-Over protective as she doesn't want you hurt if she finds you hurt she'll get you on her horse and take you to get patched up

-If she saw you being attacked then she'll have her horse stop the attacker but not crumble them and get you patched up

-She wouldn't kidnap you as she doesn't want to lose the trust of Cream Unicorn cookie and your trust as well

-She often takes you to cookieland as it's fun and she's able to make sure your safe as she knows the place like Cream Unicorn

-Views the trips to cookieland as a date to her
to you it's a chance to hang out again

-Cream Unicorn would let her in as he's know her for a good time now and trusts her as she is Keeping a close friend of hers safe well to him at least

-If she's busy she'll ask Fire Cracker to see if your ok Fire Cracker would be confused why but as her friend she does it and Fire cracker get a cookie to party with

-Often has star jellys with her at all times thanks to her horse who makes them

-Won't ask you out as she thinks that you possibly don't have the same felling as she does but still tries to in secret

-You met her at a party and saved her from a accidental loose firecracker which you got hurt from causing her to be Protective of you

(She does have a pet but can't get any info on it sorry)

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