Cappuccino x young adult reader

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Your a young adult detective who was a witness to a crime taking the stand you testified agents the criminal proofing them guilty later as Cappuccino left the court house he seeing you sat outside the court house steps he patted your back thanking you for the help on the case and a conversation happened over the trial that happened earlier

-He is a friend you can trust

-He has some coffee for you

-You and him do get along with having a conversation with a coffee in hand

-He acts like good friends with you

-He always has you help in a trial needing you to collect evidence

-When your stressed he'll listen to you or can help you unstress

-He's supportive as your young

-He does care for your well-being so he's someone to trust

-You have gone to his office which he cleaned before you came

(Cream cappuccino)
Gotten from Cappuccino filling out his punch card turning it in he was given Creamy cappuccino the smell of cinnamon was calming and he was able to spend less of coffee

-They help calm you when stressed

-They help you stay awake

(Thank you to @clzxrr and Saturnussygushy sorry that I grouped your requests together)

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