The Ancients x child reader

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You were the 6th ancient but the youngest you were found
among the crumbs of a battle with a missing limb the ancients found while in dragon hill each one couldn't leave a child to die so Pure vanilla took you with him and let you rest with a meeting being held each one felt a parental urge twords you as the meeting concluded everyone agreed to help take care of you till you were kidnapped

(Pure vanilla)
-the kindest of the ancients and just wants you to be happy

-Your near him and White lilly when it's his and her turn to take care of you

-Teaches you a lot about magic mostly healing

-If you lost your arm he'll help carry things

-He tries not to bring up your arm but it happens sometimes

-Has tried to make a artificial limb but he says it's "failing" or "not functioning properly"

-If you lost a leg

-You'll use a crutch but you may not have it at all times
so he'll help you by lifting you up or a waffle bot do it instead

-He'll work with White lily to take care of you in case he has to take care of other kingdom afares

-When he finds out your missing he'll have his waffles bot search for you till he's informed

-When he's given the news about the cookies that took you that want to use your soul jam for power the other ancients will be informed joining him in rescuing you

-He'll say behind his friends healing them but will drop his pacifism and may have crumbled some cookies with his staff

-After the event he and White lily will keep you near them

-If both white lily and Pure vanilla are busy you'll go with White lily

-Kind and Caring she's taken care of a child before so it won't be a hassle

-Your with her most of the time or the other houses sometimes when Hollyberry is busy

-The other houses have different views on you Raspberry finds generally a good cookie and hopes you the best, Bumble Berry finds you strong for your age, Blueberry commonly plays with you, Cranberry finds you quite strange and doesn't really accept you

-Your sometimes with Princess cookie and Princess cookie is glad your ok and accepted you unlike like Cranberry

-Shes told you storys of adventures she was on back then

-If you don't have a arm Hollyberry will help

-Shes asked Pure vanilla about the prosthetic arm and is given the same answer

-Shes has servants help carry things

-If you lost a leg she'll help you get around if you lost a crutch till you find your crutch

-She'll ask the servants to find your crutch and to help

-When your kidnapped she'll have some guards look for you untill Pure vanilla tells her and the people who took you

-She'll join in the rescue party defending her friends and smashing some cookies

-She'll help carry you out

-After the event she'll have guards be near you at all times

-She'll won't let be alone out of your protection

(Dark cacao)
-He's distant from you and doesn't want the past to repeat

-He barely speaks leaving you open to manipulation

-He won't let you pick up a sword

-Guards are near you like Hollyberry

-Caramel arrow has taken care of you and told you stories of the Cacao kingdom

-Your primarily with the first watcher but your sometimes with other guards

-If you have a missing arm
he'll have Dark cacao spearmen with you for your protection

-The first watcher is with you and helps you

-If you don't have a leg he'll have Dark cacao archers nearby you to keep you safe

Your still with the first watcher

-One day your missing and search parties are sent out to find you till

-He's told about the kidnapping and the cookies who want to use your soul jam

-He'll come to help save you slashing and crumbling cookies blinded by rage destroying cookies in his way

-After that you'll be by his side most of the time with limited freedom out side the palace

(Golden cheese)
-Shes never taken care of a child and mainly somewhat treats you like her people

-Asks a lot of questions about how to care for a child to Hollyberry and Dark cacao

-Tends to give gold trinkets to you

-A new rule is made where your treated the same as Golden cheese

-If you lost a arm you'll have a bird assigned to help carry

-If you lost your leg she'll assigned a bird to help carry you or find your crutch

-When your kidnapped she'll have birds search for you

-When told about the kidnapping and how why she will be in a rage

-She'll be in a rage and would be either stabbing cookies or lifting and dropping

-After the event she'll join you everywhere or has birds with you even if you don't like it or your fine

(White lily)
-Shes timid but near you she's not as timid and acts like a parent

-Shes asked Hollyberry how to care for a child

-Like Pure vanilla your with him and her to take care of you

-Takes care of you when Pure vanilla is taking care of kingdom afares

-Helps teach you magic again healing

-Lets Pure vanilla take care of the missing limb

-Knows what is happening with the prosthetic limb

-Knows about the kidnapping thanks to her being with Pure vanilla And will help

-She'll help but not in killing instead she'll shield you from seeing the crumbled cookies as so you won't be traumatized by the jam

-You'll be with Pure vanilla and White lily

(We HaVE yOur P et)

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