Oyster x ex reader

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Your the ex of the most known cookie in the crème republic oyster cookie when you left it was the day you were going to renew your wedding vows but you never came to the alter this broke her heart as she searched and searched she couldn't find you nor nothing that could signal that you left with the houses riches as day turned to night as thoughts continuously moving in her head she entered house oysters shell spire she knew you were gone

-You possibly had a healthy relationship before this before

-What was the reason why you left possibly you found something disturbing from the houses history or Oysters own dark secret

-You possibly live in the slums to hide from your ex as you can't really get a boat to leave it would be to obvious with caviars crew and that she's is connected to the docks

-You possibly work a small job to have a source of income but this can't last forever

-One day a cookie who knew what you looked like possibly a guard or servant who was walking through the slums possibly saw you leaving or at your work and would inform Oyster about you being found

-When Oyster was told she had mix feelings it took years to get over you but when she was told about you but something came up tears and feelings that were held back for a long time

-It would take some time for the feelings to fully comeback during this you live your life

-She'll have some servants or workers come to your work or follow you home and would inform Oyster

-You'll start having letters appear at your home slipped under your door all of them having the same meaning I've found you come back

-As this is happening she'll continue her duty in the republic and as an elder

-She also does plan a wedding like the day you stood her up at the alter

-Eventually she have guards break into your home in the slums breaking your door down and knocked you out with their shields

-You'll be brought to house oyster were you'll be brought to a bedroom and locked in

-If you need to bathe the guards will follow you or you'll have a bathroom connected to the bedroom

-You'll have an updated wardrobe with clothes that share similarities to Your ex clothes or outfits that you had back then

-She'll visit you in your room to see how you are with guards stationed outside Incase you fight back

-If you say told her you know her secret like she killed cookies she'll just laugh it off

-Oyster does attempt to repair or rekindle your old relationship with each other

-She'll set up date at old locations where the old dates happened

-After sometime you'll be allowed to walk around the houses grounds but with guards following you

-You can't really leave the room your in if there are other houses

-When you meet she'll begin to talk to you again to rekindle your old relationship

-She will also force a afternoon with you if the date don't work

-Eventually it will be the day where you'll be forced to renew your vows

-Don't be surprised if she'll use dirty tactics to keep you with her after the wedding

(She took the pet Y/N she took the pet)

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