Cc+F+Elders x puppet k reader

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(Spoilers for cookie odyssey)

Your a orphan with the abilities to control things and turn things into puppets though threads you create from your body (Think jojos stone free or doggy style) with said threads being weak who was taken along with other orphans to be taught by a white masked cookie with one of the counsel elders Mille-feuille one day one of the Créme knights found the class and two elders told to help the elders escape but was stopped quickly do to your child body after the elders were apprehend the knight Financier saw you attempting to use your powers to move a suit of armor to attack her but it was futile as you were stopped and was taken to the council where it was unknown what to do with you with a small argument breaking out between Custard ii and Clotted cream till Custard was turned into living puppet by a thread of yours scared seeing Custard ii becoming a puppet they knew you had to unlearn what she taught you or else you would be a danger to the republic

(Clotted cream)

-Hes the smart older brother

-He believes you could aid for good of the republic

-He does attempt to help you unlearn what she taught you

-He is afraid of your powers turning cookies and animals into puppets would be used for crimes agents cookies

-He'll show you to his brother Custard iii so you can play

-If you have trouble speaking he can help


-She's the kind grandma but quite smart

-When your in house oyster she'll about the houses history or on the notable treasures it holds

-She does have more guards around the estate to stop anyone from taking you

-If she busy she'll have a nanny help in caring for you

-Treats you like their grand child sometimes

-When you use your ability you might scare her as she doesn't want to see you missing an arm she's already old enough to have a heart attack


-She already knew you before as again your an orphan

-She wants to undo what you were taught by Mille-feuille and so would teach you some crème knights teachings

-She treat you kindly and generally knows how to care for a child

-If you wanna try a raisin jelly or bread she'll let you try it

-She protects you from those white masked cookies if they ever return

(Captain Caviar)

-Hes busy out at sea so you don't have many interactions with him

-When you do he'll tell stories when he was out at sea but he wouldn't do much

-You and rookie cookie would be friends

-You wouldn't meet Candy Diver as their still in dusk gloom seas


-The elder who cares of the well beings of others

-He does care for you being a known cookie relating to medicine and health

-If your hurt he'll care for you patching you up

-He wouldn't show you his burned face

(Wine) Mulled juice)

-The elder of engineering your not allowed to touch things if his

-If you use your ability near him he'll stop you as it could get caught in a machine


-She will generally show you her art

-If you show her a drawing or art piece

-Does get scared when you use your ability

(Vanilla sugar)

-She's responsible for the education and training of the paladins

-She does help in your education and to unlearn what Mille-feuille taught you

-She'll tell you stories of the vanilla kingdom

-Don't use your ability near her she's old enough

(Thank you DragonCookie_10 for the request sorry if I changed the main story)

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