Golden Cheese (Old and wrong)

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(There's limited info on Golden Cheese so it might be short sorry)

Golden Cheese was sitting on her throne feeling lonely the wealth she has couldn't help escape the loneliness being the need to find someone to give her something she doesn't know something that has to with other cookies giving something maybe leaving her throne room and outside she flew up spotting a intruder not taking chance's she attacked during the fight she couldn't help but blush at times in certain "stances" mid fight but you can't beat an ancient and in their kingdom after you fell from Golden Cheese felt something fill a part of her a part the wealth couldn't fill
was it the attraction for you or the violence wanting more she took you back to her kingdom

-you belong to Golden Cheese now and well it's strange or the layer of greed

-She has you near her all the time when she ruling her kingdom

-You still have to follow her subjects schedule with some freedom where you don't have to do certain things and have to do certain things

-You have to compliment Golden Cheese each day when you do so Golden Cheese would blush and would like another one

-you'll have to wear gold that has the shape of her souljam engraved in it to show your hers

-You have to eat her subject diets from which foods to eat from her choice

-You have to sleep with Golden Cheese in the same bed with her wrapped wings on you

-Failing or fighting back would have her hurting you
or punishing you severely

-Attempts to escape would have her put a shekel to your leg and punishment

-You wouldn't meet the other ancients as golden cheese wishes to keep you to herself

-Some things your free from you have some alone time only 20 minutes and you can wear any clothes how ever it must be approved by her

{There's no pet unless it's made of gold}
{Thank you to KennedyWesley8 for the request}

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