PJ K C x dark assassin reader

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Your a dark magic user that was kicked from parfidea for using it your now known to be a assassin an you were given a job to crumble a certain cookie with a certain stash as you snuck in the colosseum in your old uniform you then entered the Creme knights room to look for the cookie but you were quickly spotted by Kouign-Amann making you run quickly away with some magic a few hours later the games stopped do to the word of a assassin in the colosseum as the three cookies tried to find you and stop you


-They all will try and stop you so you won't harm any one but this might start a obsession

(Prune juice)

-He is the most aware on who you are

-He's disgusting by you using dark magic

-He help with his knowledge about you

-He used to live you and with you being known again it's complicated as he used to love you before you used the dark arts

-He's hesitant if he finds you as he knows he has to stop you but can't


-He's never heard of you before but after heard you use dark magic he wants to stop you

-He doesn't want harm you but he does want to stop you

-He is a bit concerned that you'll use your dark magic to break the shackles on him that prevents him for wrecking havoc

-If he encounters you he'll attempt to grab you

-If you play your cards right you might make him have a crush on you


-She is serious on stopping you for the light

-She won't be fooled by your charm

-She will use her sword on you

-If she does encounter you she will blush heavily

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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